+ added new outputfilter to use OutputFilterDashboard
- include/Sensio/Twig added Version 1.15.0
! update revision properties for all files- include/Sensio/Twig remove Version 1.13.2
! module News: some little fixes, implementation of AccessFile completed.
+ /admin/users/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)
! /modules/output_filter/OutputFilterApi.php:: Typofix
! wb::mail added message on error if DEBUG is set
! update class Wbmailer for use of PHPMailerAutoload
! change wysiwyg module from filterMediaRel to filterReplaceSysvar! change wb::ReplaceAbsoluteMediaUrl from filterMediaRel to filterReplaceSysvar
! replace filterMediaRel by filterReplaceSysvar in module/output_filter+ add OutputFilterApi in module/outputfilter! update index.php in module/output_filter
+ add missing EN translation for PHPMailer
! update language files from PHPMailer
- remove old language files from PHPMailer
! update PHPMailer to version Version 5.2.7
+ /admin/pages/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)+ /admin/groups/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)+ /admin/settings/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)
+ /admin/addons/languages/ 22 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)
+ /admin/addons/languages/ add more Language Files (Tks To jacobi22)
+ /admin/addons/languages/ add NL Languages File (Tks To Nibz)
- /media/~dummy.git + /media/favicon.ico- /pages/~dummy.git+ /pages/favicon.ico
! update version number of module FCK-Editor to 2.10.0
! set version status to 2.8.4
! Changed links to WB website
! /include/editarea/wb_wrapper_edit_area.php:: add init parameters as Array! /modules/droplets/modify_droplet.php call edit_area with Array
! /modules/droplets/example/ update some droplets and remove the old ones
! /install/index.php add query magic_quotes_gpc (has to be disables)! /install/save.php set values for home_folders and page_languages to default false- remove 0 byte file in FCKeditor
! initialize.php now blocking PHP-versions <5.3.2 and PHP with magic_quotes enabled! droplets some new/recoded droplets added, some old ones removed
! [wblink] outputfilter now can handle ancors too! WbLink Interface is much more easier to use now.
! some new or fixed Droplets added
! framework/initialize.php WB will die if magic_quotes is set to 'on'
! PageTree::_makeSql() added sort order to list of sections per page
- \templates\wb_theme\css :: remove 0 byte files
! little correction in admin/settings/save.php from line 391
! comment added in table `field users`.`group_id`
+ added new Interface usable to connect from WYSIWYG-Editor to all Modules with subitems like news or topics
! upgrade-script:: now repairs mismatched pagelinks from older versions! upgrade-script:: /temp/TranslationTable/cache/ will be deleted now during upgrade+ UpgradeHelper::checkSetupFiles() the old config.php will be changed into setup.ini.php now.
! WbDatabase added method fetchObject()! WbAdaptor little typofixes! /index.php added one more update of WbAdaptor
! WbAutoloader added possibility to load classes with additional file prefix 'class.'
! framework/functions-utf8::entities_to_7bit() deprecated warning for modifier /e in preg_replace() corrected
! /include/idna_convert protect unneeded files in an zip file.
! modules/wysiwyg made completely independend from hardcoded internal URLs
!implemented temporary solution for IE11 compatibility
14 Nov-2013 Build 2005 Dietmar Woellbrink (Luisehahne)/admin/addons/reload.php::ReloadAddonLoop delete all cachefiles of class Translate
! /modules/MultiLingual/tpl/lang.html.twig updating template with changed data
! /modules/news/upgrade.php optimize add and modify field tables, rebuild message! /modules/news/modify_post.php and modify_post.php check posts folder if not exists then create! /upgrade-script.php add ModuleReorgAbstract calling the Reorg Accessfiles from modules
! WbAdaptor::getWbConstants() now on import skip constants holding database settings
! admin/pages/PageTree added list of sections to the tooltip of 'manage_sections'
+ WbDatabase added new methods fetchObject(), rewind(), seekRow(), freeResult()! renamed some methods and add aliases for the old names
+ /module/news/WbLink.php added Interface class to module news! ../fck_wbmodules.php & ../wbmodules.htt modified link generation for news module
! /module/output_filter/filters/filterWbLink added extended format to [wblinkXX] - tag+ /framework/WbLinkAbstract.php added abstract class/interface for filterWbLink
! /admin/modules/index.php : captions of module lists changed from `directory` to real `name` and sorted by name
fixed /news/Reorg::deleteAll() typofixupdate ModuleReorgAbstract::__construct() set to final
added /framework/ModuleReorgAbstract provides the basics for modul depending reorganisation classesupdate /modules/news/Reorg now extends ModuleReorgAbstractfixed problem with empty directories fixedupdate /modules/news/upgrade.php // rebuild all access files fixed
! /upgrade-script.php, implement class AccessFile() add messages for better overview
! see Build 1986 also implemented in frontend account
! If the advanced option languages Page was disabled or pages exist with one language only, then all available languages are shown to be selected in the User-Settings implemented in backend
! /modules/news/Reorg.php completely recoded using class AccessFile()! /modules/news/upgrade.php add accessfile report to output details in upgrade-script.php! /modules/news/save_post.php search for missing accessfile folder and create missing one
! /languages/ all language files, add new translation $MESSAGE['START_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_EXISTS']! /admin/start/index.php for system administrator only: add start link to 'MESSAGE_START_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_EXISTS'
! /framework/class.wb.php::getLanguagesDetailsInUsed() optimized+ /framework/class.wb.php::getAvailableLanguagesObjectInstance()! /framework/class.wb.php::getLanguagesInUsed() method optimized! /framework/class.frontend.php update changes made in class.wb.php...
/framework/AccessFile little Typofixes/framework/AccessFileHelper added new method getDelTreeLog() and add const LOG_PRESERVE and LOG_CLEARset WbAdaptor::AppName to 'WebsiteBaker'
! /framework/initialize.php::SetInstallPathConstants() setting of DOCUMENT_ROOT now compatible for windows installation! /framework/functions.php::rebuild_all_accessfiles() Optimize rebuild access file coding
Packet AccessFile fixed indifferent handling of './..' directory entries
/framework/functions.php::rebuild_all_accessfiles() output of detailed log corrected
! /framework/functions.php: started implementation of packet AccessFile in function rebuild_all_accessfiles()+ /framework/functions.php::rm_full_dir() added additional argument to set list of protected files! integrate the new processes into the upgrade-script.php...
! /install/sql/wb_search_data.sql recoding initial data for table `search` without primary index value
/framework/WbDatabase fixed little problem with multiple database connections