Typofix in /wb_theme/jquer/jquery-plugins.js Line 61
added module MultiLingual to basic packet
update Twig template engine to version 1.13.1
unneeded file /framework/Modlanguage.php removed
/wb_theme/jquery/jquery-plugins.js fixed uncheck function
fixed headers_sent problem in /upgrade_script.phpfixed problem with output buffer in /search/search_modext.php
/account/signup added posibility for different mailto address/install/save.php modified internal comment
modified layout of admin/groups for better usability
modified class Password for use with different hashing classes
typofixes in /install/save.php
implement class Password and activate it (not implemented for use yet)
added new method to class Translate. it gives possibility to handle translations with additional replacements.
class WbDatabase fixed select_db() for multiconnection modus
TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle forgotten second arg for trim added
TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle now also accepts modified admin directory names
set default rights to dissabled for new installed modules
syncronize project and some small typo corrections in /account/
syncronize project and some small typo corrections in /admin/
fixed invalid translate addon activation (/admin/preferences/index.php)
in /admin/languages some little corrections
! /modules/admin.php $sSectionIdPrefix! /admin/media/upload.php change $database->query($sql) to $database->get_one($sql)! /upgrade-script.php only systemadministartor can call the script upgrade all dev-module inclding in package
! /modules/form/ beginning recoding
! /modules/news/ beginning beginning recoding replacing absolute MediaUrl with place holder
! /modules/show_menu2/ set to version 4.9.7 DEBUG == true show query counts
! /modules/droplets/ set to version 1.3.0 installing module with sql import make upgrade.php compatible with upgrade-scrip.php
! recoding /modules/code/add.php with exception
! /admin/pages/ add/change to new Translate class add a default.ini with a list of protected basenames, and a PagesEnvironment to force writing the accessfile forever
! /admin/addons/ change to new Translate class
! /admin/preferences/index.php change to new Translate class languages only given for existing page languages! /admin/settings/ change to new Translate class
! modules/menu_link/save.php coding new sql logic to replace adding an empty table row in add.php
! modules/wysiwyg/save.php use new methode in class.wb to replace absolute MediaUrl
! install/save.php,search_modext.php set $sSectionIdPrefix (SEC_ANCHOR) to the right value
! class.admin.php corrected url_help, add Translat::disableAddon() in methode print_footer! frontend.functions.php page_content() set $sSectionIdPrefix to the right format! functions.php change get_parent_titles from menu_title to filename
update headerinfo
added new static Method Password::isValid() It checks a new password for invalid characters
added new OutputFilter plugin 'FilterMediaRel'
add new method wb::ReplaceAbsoluteMediaUrl()class wb: added Translate::disableAddon() in print_error() and print_success()
some typofixes in class PassWordclass /framework/PasswordHash never needed(replaced by /include/phpass/PasswordHash
added posssibility to use different adaptors for each moduleadded new adaptor to access language definitions in a MySQL database
little corrections in class Password
Classes Password / PasswordHash added for an essential strengthening of the password security
! update jsadmin module and set Version to 1.4.1! update news module and set Version to 3.8.7
! update output_filter module set version to 0.4.1
! update captcha_control module set version to 1.2.1
! from security reasons the new installation has changed from the old config.php into new setup.ini.php without using global constants for critical values like username & password and so on.
! groups change languages class to translate class! prepare upgrade-script for WB Version 2.8.4 (versioncompare)! update Form modul to version 2.9.1
protect magic setter to fix security issue in Translate
protect magic setter to fix security issue in WbAdapter
fixed PagesDir in WbAdaptor: no more single slash in this entry.
! fix news reorg.php to be backward compatible slash settings
! wysgwyg, first try to repair missing table entries! page sections typofix in header
! wysgwyg, now check exitings table entries, otherwise script stop loading content in editor! typofix in groups! change constant DB_NAME to $database->DbName
some little typo fixes in initialize.phpreadConfiguration() fixed in initialize.php
some small fixes in packet Translateadded option to disable cacheadded option to keep placeholders if no translation was found
solved renaming access files by page settings if php as apachehandler
! change mysql_esc_string to WbDatabase::getInstance()->escapeStrinng()
! fixed pagetree header
update initialize.php for changed Twig-dir and activated cache in Translateinitialize can handle now the new setup.ini format also.
update classes Translate, TranslateTable, TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyleadded interface TranslateAdaptorInterfaceadded Klasse_Translate_de.pdfupdate class WbAdaptorupdate /framework/initialize.php
updated Twig template engine to stable version 1.12.2
added temporary class WbAdaptor (replacement for future registry) needed for some new objects
added new translation classes (Translate/TranslationTable/TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle) for easy handling of language filesinitialize and activate class Translate in /framework/initialize.php
- remove MODULES_UPGRADE_LIST input from saettings
+ add deleted files and images in jqauery
- remove wrong files and images in jquery
! forgot the jQuery UI css
! forgot the jQuery UI
! update phpmailer to version 5.2.1! update jquery to 1.8.3 and jQuery UI to 1.9.2
updated Twig template engine to stable version 1.11.1 step2
! add default_timezone in admin account by new installation
fixed reinitialisation of class frontend in /index.php
PageTree: fixed icon requestsadded 2 new icons into wb_theme and argos_theme
added variable root page for tree generation in class a_pages_PageTreefixed missing css class jsadmin for drop/down activation in PageTree
! trash only will be shown if more than one section exists! In the server settings the renaming of the page_directory is only possible, if no page exists
! settings move website_signature to mailer settings! fix html validate error in pages sections! add pages field page_code to class.frontend.php! optimized jsadmin backend.css
The second runtime optimization of PageTree by recoding /admin/pages/index.phpAdded new class a_pages_PageTree() for use with /admin/pages/index.php
groups management now completely html valide