From 2012-11-18 to 2013-01-16
- 23:12 Revision 1859 (wb-archiv283): # bugfix mkdir(): Invalid argument if create acessfile
- 15:40 Revision 1858 (wb-archiv283): - remove MODULES_UPGRADE_LIST input from saettings
- 17:48 Revision 1857 (wb-archiv283): + add deleted files and images in jqauery
- 17:32 Revision 1856 (wb-archiv283): - remove wrong files and images in jquery
- 10:11 Revision 1855 (wb-archiv283): ! forgot the jQuery UI css
- 07:57 Revision 1854 (wb-archiv283): ! forgot the jQuery UI
- 07:17 Revision 1853 (wb-archiv283): ! update phpmailer to version 5.2.1
- ! update jquery to 1.8.3 and jQuery UI to 1.9.2
- 17:03 Revision 1852 (wb-archiv283): updated Twig template engine to stable version 1.11.1 step2
- 16:45 Revision 1851 (wb-archiv283): updated Twig template engine to stable version 1.11.1
- 00:07 Revision 1850 (wb-archiv283): ! add default_timezone in admin account by new installation
- 20:04 Revision 1849 (wb-archiv283): # typofix page_extended in admin/settings and admin/pages/
- ! Fill empty option modules dropdown in admin/pages/sections.php
- 16:32 Revision 1848 (wb-archiv283): fixed reinitialisation of class frontend in /index.php
- 15:58 Revision 1847 (wb-archiv283): PageTree: fixed icon requests
- added 2 new icons into wb_theme and argos_theme
- 03:04 Revision 1846 (wb-archiv283): added variable root page for tree generation in class a_pages_PageTree
- fixed missing css class jsadmin for drop/down activation in PageTree
- 22:43 Revision 1845 (wb-archiv283): # bugfix redclare function in preferences_form
- ! add infobox, if you have to change the language before working in preferences
- 07:03 Revision 1844 (wb-archiv283): # fixed Use of undefined constant PAGE_ID in /account/forgot.php
- ! change return value to boolean in user management delete.php, add.php
- 08:03 Revision 1843 (wb-archiv283): ! trash only will be shown if more than one section exists
- ! In the server settings the renaming of the page_directory is only possible, if no page exists
- 03:15 Revision 1842 (wb-archiv283): # fixed output activation conformation
- # fixed deleting Users awaiting activation
! add YYYY-MM-DD in date_formats dropdown
- 22:37 Revision 1841 (wb-archiv283): # fixed index depth in access files
- 16:35 Revision 1840 (wb-archiv283): ! settings move website_signature to mailer settings
- ! fix html validate error in pages sections
! add pages field page_code to class.frontend.php
! optimized jsadmin bac...
- 15:12 Revision 1839 (wb-archiv283): The second runtime optimization of PageTree by recoding */admin/pages/index.php*
- Added new *class a_pages_PageTree()* for use with */admin/pages/index.php*
- 15:42 Revision 1838 (wb-archiv283): groups management now completely html valide
- 04:10 Revision 1837 (wb-archiv283): ! runtime optimized in /admin/pages/index.php
- 19:39 Revision 1835 (wb-archiv283): ! update dragdrop reorder positions of a page tree
- 11:39 Revision 1834 (wb-archiv283): # fixed redirect checking in class.login.php
- 05:05 Revision 1833 (wb-archiv283): # security fix CRLF injection/HTTP response splitting
- 15:59 Revision 1830 (wb-archiv283): # deactivate caching in backend to fix display faults
- 14:35 Revision 1829 (wb-archiv283): # bugfix check existing tables in upgrade-script
- 03:40 Revision 1828 (wb-archiv283): ! Update Checks if a browser's user agent string is compatible with the FCKeditor.
- ! Set WebsiteBaker Module Version to 2.9.8
- 23:05 Revision 1826 (wb-archiv283): # fixed to big preview images in media
- 18:46 Revision 1825 (wb-archiv283): ! update page settings, add save & back Button, add extended hide/show
- redesign the page settings for a better overview
- 18:41 Revision 1824 (wb-archiv283): ! update media in look to the changes in user management
- 18:36 Revision 1823 (wb-archiv283): ! update user management, now home folder only will be created
- if homefolders in settings are enabledPlugin
add save & back in user modify - 18:33 Revision 1822 (wb-archiv283): ! update installer, strict difference between table structure and data
- # fixed wrong constant for settings table
! update redirct to upgrade-script in /admin/start(index.php
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