From 2012-04-10 to 2012-06-08
- 12:56 Revision 1690 (wb-archiv283): ModLanguage modified for auto fallback to DEFAULT_LANGUAGE
- globalExceptionHandler added AppException, SecurityException, SecDirectoryTraversalException
Errormessage for old cla...
- 13:41 Revision 1689 (wb-archiv283): fixed Errorhandling for old class.database
- 01:33 Revision 1688 (wb-archiv283): ! update upgrade-script first remove access files in an existing pages folder
- before rebuilding them
! for security upgrade don't remove access files in root
- 17:00 Revision 1687 (wb-archiv283): Drop tables in installer fixed
- Twig_Autoloader activated
- 14:31 Revision 1686 (wb-archiv283): some modifications concerning the new autoloader
- Twig Template engine v.1.7.0
some droplets actualisized
unfinished changes in installer
- 09:17 Revision 1684 (wb-archiv283): ! update upgrade-script, now don't overwrite existings values in settings
- + add field tooltip to table pages in installer
! change some module tool_icon.png (Tks to Stefek)
! add date_time s...
- 16:43 Revision 1683 (wb-archiv283): changed class Database into a Singleton-Class
- added forgotten 'static' keyword in ModLanguage
removed version control from sm2 - include.php - 01:40 Revision 1682 (wb-archiv283): some little corrections ModLanguage/Database/initialize.php
- 01:01 Revision 1681 (wb-archiv283): reorganisation of default theme of page-settings
- added menu_icon_0 and menu_icon_1
update show_menu2 to handle the new icon fields (see|en.txt)
add new drop... - 00:17 Revision 1680 (wb-archiv283): renamed file class.database.php to Database.php
- renamed class database into Database
classes SecurityException and SecDirectoryTraversalException added in globalExce...
- 23:32 Revision 1678 (wb-archiv283): # validation fix in print_footer, class.database
- ! replace settings and default header
- 14:32 Revision 1677 (wb-archiv283): ! preparing new groups management and page settings
- ! upgrade-script insert or update page access files
- 11:16 Revision 1676 (wb-archiv283): # fixed backup_droplets working with php as Apache Module (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
- ! update function rm_full_dir in /framework/functions.php
! To disable Run-time notices and receive warnings - 07:43 Revision 1675 (wb-archiv283): # fixed /framework/functions.php missing global $MESSAGE in function rebuildFolderProtectFile
- 1
- 20:50 Revision 1674 (wb-archiv283): # fixed add-ons upload error (tks to DBS)
- + add tool_icon.png to core module
! update outpu_filter success an error messages
! small redesign wb_themes
# fixed...
- 23:08 Revision 1673 (wb-archiv283): ! fixed signup, remove $admin->print_error methods
- + add send registation mail to systemadministartor
- 22:53 Revision 1672 (wb-archiv283): + add languages vars for signup
- 08:48 Revision 1671 (wb-archiv283): fixes installer and upgrade-script
- 15:19 Revision 1670 (wb-archiv283): added new global exceptionhandler (class AppException)
- 15:14 Revision 1669 (wb-archiv283): little fixes in /admin/addons/reload.php
- 14:53 Revision 1668 (wb-archiv283): ! settigs.php add fields dev_infos and page_icon_dir
- + add developer info to footer
! update class.admin.php, footer.htt - 14:28 Revision 1667 (wb-archiv283): add folder /templates/round/title_images to work with page_icon
- 14:15 Revision 1666 (wb-archiv283): ! update of installer and upgradescript for Revision 1664/1665
- + add fields page_icon, menu_icon_0, menu_icon_1 to pages
+ add settings values dev_infos and page_icon_dir
! update ... - 13:51 Revision 1665 (wb-archiv283): update page_settings - CSS for wb_theme and argos_theme (for Rev.1664)
- 13:46 Revision 1664 (wb-archiv283): added additional rights for AdminUsers/ViewerUsers in /pages/page_settings
- /pages/settings2.php renamed into /pages/settings_save.php
- 03:59 Revision 1663 (wb-archiv283): update round print.css for better output
- 03:00 Revision 1662 (wb-archiv283): added new getter 'getQueryCount' in class database
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