From 2007-11-17 to 2008-01-15
- 22:31 Revision 541 (wb-archiv283): Replaced hardcoded .php with the variable PAGE_EXTENSION for the use in pagenames. (!!Attention!! To get extenions other than .php working additional fixes are necessary!) Fixes ticket #370
- 22:08 Revision 540 (wb-archiv283): Replaced the variable PAGE_EXTENSION with hardcoded .php on all places where the pathes points to WB Corefiles with the page extension .php
- 19:45 Revision 539 (wb-archiv283): Added a missing </tr> tag in Changeset 536
- 18:23 Revision 538 (wb-archiv283): Replaced hardcoded text in login.php with language variables (fixes #386)
- 17:36 Revision 537 (wb-archiv283): re-introduced bugfix of Changeset 472 (fixes ticket 402) accidentally removed by Changeset 529 (enhanced pages admin)
- 18:30 Revision 536 (wb-archiv283): Moved the admin tools from 'Settings' to the new section 'Admin-Tools'.
- 14:38 Revision 535 (wb-archiv283): Bug fix for ticket 525. Prevents that installed modules with identical version are updated again.
- 14:26 Revision 534 (wb-archiv283): corrected link in /admin/login/template.html and increased redirection timer for success messages
- 12:44 Revision 533 (wb-archiv283): updated PHPMailer framework to version 2.0.0 (/include/phpmailer)
- 09:25 Revision 532 (wb-archiv283): this bugfix closes ticket 412 (direct call of admin/settings/save.php clears database)
- 08:21 Revision 531 (wb-archiv283): Fixed error with redirection to admin panel after installation due to already defined constant VERSION (redirection fails if PHP errors/warnings are displayed).
- 17:39 Revision 530 (wb-archiv283): introduced smart URL detection for the 'View' menu in the WB backend (if page_id is set, redirect to this page instead of the root)
- 16:16 Revision 529 (wb-archiv283): introduced the enhanced pages admin dialogue developed by icouto
- 19:44 Revision 528 (wb-archiv283): Added the FCKEditor module files missing in Changeset 527 (/modules/fckeditor)
- 19:37 Revision 527 (wb-archiv283): Added FCKEditor as the new default WYSIWYG editor (htmlarea removed from the package)
- 16:48 Revision 526 (wb-archiv283): Added constants MOD_FRONTEND_CSS_REGISTERED and MOD_FRONTEND_JAVASCRIPT_REGISTERED to function frontend.functions.php to allow modules to check if the register_frontend_modfiles function is invoked from the index.php of the current template.
- 14:49 Revision 525 (wb-archiv283): Fixed Typo in CHANGELOG
- 14:47 Revision 524 (wb-archiv283): Added new version again
- 14:44 Revision 523 (wb-archiv283): Delete codepress because of SVN errors
- 14:36 Revision 522 (wb-archiv283): - Update codepress to Version 0.9.6
- - Update phplib to Version 7.4a
- 19:26 Revision 521 (wb-archiv283): Upgrade pclzip to the newer more php5 complaint version 2.6, see ticket #526
- 19:17 Revision 520 (wb-archiv283): Fixed #542 (thanks to Thorn)
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