


| Revision:
Name Size Revision Age Author Comment
  DOCU 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  account 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  admin 9 over 7 years Manuela added and activated class bin\CoreAutoloader
  framework 9 over 7 years Manuela added and activated class bin\CoreAutoloader
  include 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  install 4 over 7 years Manuela install:: security issue fixed. Now save.php on...
  languages 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  media 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  modules 5 over 7 years Manuela output_filter::filterEmail:: mdcr.js is loaded ...
  pages 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  search 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  temp 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  templates 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
  var 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit === 6 Bytes 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
favicon.ico 3.19 KB 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
htaccess.txt 393 Bytes 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===
index.php 2.99 KB 7 over 7 years Manuela added new class Autoloader
upgrade-script.php 50.9 KB 2 over 7 years Manuela === initial commit ===

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
9 2017-09-04 09:32 Manuela

added and activated class bin\CoreAutoloader

8 2017-08-28 11:46 Manuela

added missing root / ns

7 2017-08-28 02:05 Manuela

added new class Autoloader

6 2017-08-28 02:03 Manuela

modified class database to default charset utf8mb4
added property database->sTablePrefix

5 2017-07-17 11:26 Manuela

output_filter::filterEmail:: mdcr.js is loaded only when at least one email address is encrypted on the current page

4 2017-07-04 04:07 Manuela

install:: security issue fixed. Now save.php only can be called from form inside index.php

3 2017-07-02 17:23 Manuela

=== create main branch ===

2 2017-07-02 17:14 Manuela

=== initial commit ===

1 2017-07-02 17:07 Manuela

=== initial commit ===

View revisions

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