1 |
2 |
3 |
* extended language definition for WebsiteBaker *
4 |
* ACP-module users *
5 |
* english (GB) *
6 |
7 |
8 |
$HEADING['ADD_USER'] = 'Add User';
9 |
$HEADING['MODIFY_USER'] = 'Change User';
10 |
$HEADING['MODIFY_ACTIVE_USER'] = 'Changing/disabling users'; // new
11 |
$HEADING['MODIFY_DELETE_USER'] = 'Changing/deleting users';
12 |
13 |
$MENU['USERS'] = 'Users';
14 |
15 |
$MESSAGE['GENERIC_FILL_IN_ALL'] = 'Please fill in all fields';
16 |
$MESSAGE['GENERIC_FORGOT_OPTIONS'] = 'You have not made a selection!';
17 |
$MESSAGE['GENERIC_NOT_COMPARE'] = ' not possible';
18 |
19 |
$MESSAGE['GENERIC_SECURITY_ACCESS'] = 'Security breach! Access is denied!';
20 |
$MESSAGE['MEDIA_DIR_MADE'] = 'The directory was created successfully';
21 |
$MESSAGE['MEDIA_DIR_NOT_MADE'] = 'The directory could not be created';
22 |
$MESSAGE['MEDIA_CANNOT_RENAME'] = 'The rename was not successful';
23 |
$MESSAGE['MEDIA_RENAMED'] = 'The renaming was successful';
24 |
$MESSAGE['PREFERENCES_INVALID_CHARS'] = 'Invalid characters were used for the password';
25 |
$MESSAGE['PREFERENCES_PASSWORD_CHANGED'] = 'The password has been changed successfully';
26 |
$MESSAGE['SIGNUP_NO_EMAIL'] = 'Please enter an email address';
27 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_ADDED'] = 'The user was successfully added';
28 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_CHANGING_PASSWORD'] = 'Please note: You should only enter values in the fields above, if you want to change the password of this user';
29 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_CONFIRM_DELETE'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected user?';
30 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_DELETED'] = 'The user was successfully deleted';
31 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_DEACTIVATED'] = 'The user was successfully deactivated';
32 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_EMAIL_TAKEN'] = 'The given e-mail address is already in use';
33 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_INVALID_EMAIL'] = 'The e-mail address is invalid';
34 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_NAME_INVALID_CHARS'] = 'Invalid characters were used for login names';
35 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_NO_GROUP'] = 'There was no group selected';
36 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_PASSWORD_MISMATCH'] = 'The specified password is invalid';
37 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT'] = 'The password you entered was too short';
38 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_SAVED'] = 'The user has been successfully saved';
39 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_USERNAME_TAKEN'] = 'The specified login name is already in use';
40 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_USERNAME_TOO_SHORT'] = 'The entered login name was too short';
41 |
$MESSAGE['USERS_WAITING_ACTIVATION'] = 'Awaiting user activation'; // new
42 |
43 |
$TEXT['ACTIVE'] = 'Activ';
44 |
$TEXT['ACTIVATE'] = 'Activate';
45 |
$TEXT['DEACTIVE'] = 'Deactivate'; // new
46 |
$TEXT['DEACTIVED'] = 'Disabled'; // new
47 |
$TEXT['ADD'] = 'Add';
48 |
$TEXT['ARE_YOU_SURE'] = 'Are you sure?';
49 |
$TEXT['BACK'] = 'Back';
50 |
$TEXT['CANCEL'] = 'Cancel';
51 |
$TEXT['CAN_DELETE_HIMSELF'] = 'Can delete itself';
52 |
$TEXT['CHANGE'] = 'Changing';
53 |
$TEXT['CHANGES'] = 'Changes';
54 |
$TEXT['DELETE'] = 'Remove';
55 |
$TEXT['DELETED'] = 'Deleted';
56 |
$TEXT['DISABLED'] = 'Disabled';
57 |
$TEXT['DISPLAY_NAME'] = 'Display Name';
58 |
$TEXT['EMAIL'] = 'E-Mail';
59 |
$TEXT['EMAIL_ADDRESS'] = 'E-Mail Adress';
60 |
$TEXT['ENABLED'] = 'Enabled';
61 |
$TEXT['ERROR'] = 'Error';
62 |
$TEXT['FULL_NAME'] = 'Full Name';
63 |
$TEXT['GROUP'] = 'Group';
64 |
$TEXT['HOME_FOLDER'] = 'Personal Folder';
65 |
$TEXT['HOME_FOLDERS'] = 'Personal Folders';
66 |
$TEXT['INACTIVE'] = 'Inactiv'; // new
67 |
$TEXT['LIST_OPTIONS'] = 'Shortlist';
68 |
$TEXT['MANAGE_GROUPS'] = 'Manage Groups';
69 |
$TEXT['MODIFY'] = 'Changing';
70 |
$TEXT['NONE'] = 'None';
71 |
$TEXT['NONE_FOUND'] = 'Not found';
72 |
$TEXT['NO_RESULTS'] = 'No results';
73 |
$TEXT['NO_SELECTION'] = 'No selection';
74 |
$TEXT['PASSWORD'] = 'Password';
75 |
$TEXT['PLEASE_SELECT'] = 'Please select';
76 |
$TEXT['RESET'] = 'Reset';
77 |
$TEXT['RETYPE_NEW_PASSWORD'] = 'Repeat new password';
78 |
$TEXT['RETYPE_PASSWORD'] = 'Repeat Password';
79 |
$TEXT['SAVE'] = 'Save';
80 |
$TEXT['SHOW'] = 'Show';
81 |
$TEXT['USER'] = 'User';
82 |
$TEXT['USERNAME'] = 'Loginname';
83 |
$TEXT['USERS_ACTIVE'] = 'User is active';
84 |
$TEXT['USERS_CAN_SELFDELETE'] = 'Self-deleting possible';
85 |
$TEXT['USERS_CHANGE_SETTINGS'] = 'Users can change their own settings';
86 |
$TEXT['USERS_DELETED'] = 'The user was successfully deleted';
87 |
$TEXT['USERS_MARKED_DELETED'] = 'User is marked as deleted'; // new