


# Date Author Comment
2140 2015-12-13 21:35 darkviper
  1. class SecureTokens::addToken() fixed integer overflow problem on 32bit platforms
2139 2015-12-10 21:07 darkviper
  1. class SecureTokens: ::buildFingerprint() fixed server identification an add protection of file SecureToken.php
2138 2015-11-05 09:03 darkviper

! class SecureTokens: added handling of all kind of IPv6 notations

2137 2015-10-30 00:47 darkviper

! class SecureTokens: added easy handling of service requests on checkFTAN()/checkIDKEY()

2136 2015-10-22 01:11 darkviper

+ class SecureTokens: as a replacement for former class SecureForm in SecureForm.php and SecureForm.mtab.php
! framework/initialize.php change bindings of SecureForm to SecureTokens