



From now on, our main focus is on the stability and security of the 2.x series. This means that we will continue to provide this series with functional and security-related fixes as well as adjustments to new, future PHP versions.
The aim is to get an LTS version (Long-Term-Support) that can continue to serve you for a long time.
You will find really new features starting with the WB-3.x series

Minimum Server Requirements:
  • Linux (Windows should work, but must not)
  • mySQL-8.5 up or MariaDb-10.x up
  • Apache2 (InternetInformationServer should work, but must not)
  • PHP-7.4/8.0/8.1 and up (FastCGI/FPM), compiled according to the default settings of the PHP Group
    (note: mod_php does not work!)
  • Mandatory PHP modules: mbstring, zip&|zlib, mcrypt, ctype, iconv, intl,

NOTE: For all new developments compliance with the Coding Standards is mandatory.

Issue tracking  Details

open closed Total
Error 0 9 9
Feature 8 1 9
Design 0 0 0
Security 0 0 0

View all issues | Summary


Manager: Manuela

Developer: Manuela, Uwe, Developer-2.13.x

Reporter: Harald, Ivan, Matthias, Uwe, Reporter-2.13.x

Tester: Harald, Matthias, Uwe, Tester-2.13.x