




# Date Author Comment
165 2005-09-27 04:17 ryan

Added load_addons functions

164 2005-09-27 02:49 ryan

Added some DB checking code to initialize.php

163 2005-09-27 02:49 ryan

Update EN.php

162 2005-09-27 02:38 ryan

Tuned interface with less javascript

161 2005-09-27 02:25 ryan

Added css for label element

160 2005-09-27 02:06 ryan

Removed page languages option

159 2005-09-27 02:02 ryan

Removed relative path input

158 2005-09-21 22:55 stefan

Replaced faulty use of add_slashes by addslashes.

157 2005-09-21 21:59 stefan

Replaced add_slashes by addslashes in media/browse.php where it is applied to a non GPC variable.

156 2005-09-21 21:53 stefan

Replaced addslashes by magic_quotes aware add_slashes in install/save.php

155 2005-09-19 10:32 ryan

Update captcha code on submitting form

154 2005-09-19 10:31 ryan

Update language file

153 2005-09-19 08:32 ryan

Updated Captcha code

152 2005-09-19 05:45 ryan

Updated Captcha code

151 2005-09-19 04:46 ryan

Update for new addons table

150 2005-09-19 04:42 ryan

Added captcha text to language file

149 2005-09-19 04:42 ryan

Implemented backend captcha code

148 2005-09-19 04:33 ryan

Added Id keyword to wb/include/index.php

147 2005-09-19 04:33 ryan

Moved captcha.php into include dir

146 2005-09-19 04:32 ryan

Moved captcha.php out of framework dir

145 2005-09-19 04:16 ryan

Initial captcha script

144 2005-09-19 02:07 ryan

Updated tool-handling code

143 2005-09-19 01:49 ryan

Cleaned-up some whitespace

142 2005-09-19 01:48 ryan

Updated module install code for correct insertion into addons table

141 2005-09-19 01:48 ryan

Update module install code for correct insertion into addons table

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