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Revision 938

Added by doc over 15 years ago

added option to invoke module upgrade.php/uninstall.php files from backend (for modules uploaded via FTP)

View differences:

121 121
$HEADING['MODIFY_GROUP'] = 'Modificar Grupo';
122 122

123 123
$HEADING['ADDON_PRECHECK_FAILED'] = 'Add-On requirements not met';
$HEADING['MANUAL_MODULE_INSTALLATION'] = 'Execute module "install.php" manually';
$HEADING['INVOKE_MODULE_FILES'] = 'Execute module files manually';
125 125

126 126
// Other text
127 127
$TEXT['OPEN'] = 'Open';
593 593
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['TEMPLATES_RELOADED'] = 'Temas (Templates) recarregados com sucesso';
594 594
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['LANGUAGES_RELOADED'] = 'Idiomas recarregados com sucesso';
595 595
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['PRECHECK_FAILED'] = 'Add-on installation failed. Your system does not fulfill the requirements of this Add-on. To make this Add-on working on your system, please fix the issues summarized below.';
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['MANUAL_INSTALLATION'] = 'The module installation file "install.php" is not executed when modules are uploaded via FTP (not recommended). For those modules, you have to execute the "install.php" manually.';
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['MANUAL_INSTALLATION'] = 'When modules are uploaded via FTP (not recommended), the module installation files <tt>install.php</tt>, <tt>upgrade.php</tt> or <tt>uninstall.php</tt> will not be executed automatically. Those modules may not work correct or do not uninstall properly.<br /><br />You can execute the module files manually for modules uploaded via FTP below.';
597 597
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['MANUAL_INSTALLATION_WARNING'] = 'Warning: Existing module database entries will get lost. Only use this option if you experience problems with modules uploaded via FTP.';
598 598

599 599

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