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Revision 933

Added by doc about 16 years ago

Moved reload option of Add-ons to main Add-on section.

View differences:

586 586
$MESSAGE['MOD_FORM']['EXCESS_SUBMISSIONS'] = 'Atvaino, ši forma ir tikusi aizpildita parak daudz reižu šis stundas laika. Ludzu pamegini velreiz pec stundas.';
587 587
$MESSAGE['MOD_FORM']['INCORRECT_CAPTCHA'] = 'Ievaditais parbaudes numurs ir nepareizs. Ja radušas problemas ar parbaudes koda nolasišanu, suti zinu uz: '.SERVER_EMAIL.'';
588 588

$MESSAGE['ADDON']['RELOAD'] = 'The button below updates the information in the database with the data stored in the Add-On "info.php" files. This may be required if you have uploaded Addons via FTP.';
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['RELOAD'] = 'Update database with information from Add-on files (e.g. after FTP upload).';
590 590
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['ERROR_RELOAD'] = 'Error while updating the Add-On information.';
591 591
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['MODULES_RELOADED'] = 'Moduli veiksmigi parladeti';
592 592
$MESSAGE['ADDON']['TEMPLATES_RELOADED'] = 'šabloni veiksmigi parladeti';

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