wb-archiv283/trunk/wb/include/htmlarea/lang/ja-utf8.js @ 62
1 | 4 | ryan | // I18N constants -- Japanese UTF-8 |
2 | // by Manabu Onoue -- tmocsys@tmocsys.com
3 | |||
4 | HTMLArea.I18N = { |
5 | |||
6 | // the following should be the filename without .js extension
7 | // it will be used for automatically load plugin language.
8 | lang: "ja-utf8", |
9 | |||
10 | tooltips: { |
11 | bold: "太字", |
12 | italic: "斜体", |
13 | underline: "下線", |
14 | strikethrough: "打ち消し線", |
15 | subscript: "下付き添え字", |
16 | superscript: "上付き添え字", |
17 | justifyleft: "左寄せ", |
18 | justifycenter: "中央寄せ", |
19 | justifyright: "右寄せ", |
20 | justifyfull: "均等割付", |
21 | orderedlist: "番号付き箇条書き", |
22 | unorderedlist: "記号付き箇条書き", |
23 | outdent: "インデント解除", |
24 | indent: "インデント設定", |
25 | forecolor: "文字色", |
26 | backcolor: "背景色", |
27 | horizontalrule: "水平線", |
28 | createlink: "リンク作成", |
29 | insertimage: "画像挿入", |
30 | inserttable: "テーブル挿入", |
31 | htmlmode: "HTML表示切替", |
32 | popupeditor: "エディタ拡大", |
33 | about: "バージョン情報", |
34 | help: "ヘルプ", |
35 | textindicator: "現在のスタイル" |
36 | }
37 | };