Revision 5
Added by stefan over 19 years ago
functions.php | ||
32 | 32 |
33 | 33 |
// Stop this file from being accessed directly |
34 | 34 |
if(!defined('WB_PATH')) { exit('Direct access to this file is not allowed'); } |
35 |
35 |
36 | 36 |
// Define that this file has been loaded |
37 |
define('FUNCTIONS_FILE_LOADED', true); |
37 |
define('FUNCTIONS_FILE_LOADED', true);
38 | 38 |
39 | 39 |
// Function to remove a non-empty directory |
40 | 40 |
function rm_full_dir($directory) |
... | ... | |
145 | 145 |
146 | 146 |
// Now delete the folder |
147 | 147 |
return $list; |
148 |
} |
149 |
150 |
// Function to get a list of home folders not to show |
151 |
function get_home_folders() { |
152 |
global $database, $admin; |
153 |
$home_folders = array(); |
154 |
// Only return home folders is this feature is enabled |
155 |
156 |
$query_home_folders = $database->query("SELECT home_folder FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users WHERE home_folder != '".$admin->get_home_folder()."'"); |
157 |
if($query_home_folders->numRows() > 0) { |
158 |
while($folder = $query_home_folders->fetchRow()) { |
159 |
$home_folders[$folder['home_folder']] = $folder['home_folder']; |
160 |
} |
161 |
} |
162 |
function remove_home_subs($directory = '/', $home_folders) { |
148 |
149 |
150 |
// Function to get a list of home folders not to show
151 |
function get_home_folders() {
152 |
global $database, $admin;
153 |
$home_folders = array();
154 |
// Only return home folders is this feature is enabled
155 |
156 |
$query_home_folders = $database->query("SELECT home_folder FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."users WHERE home_folder != '".$admin->get_home_folder()."'");
157 |
if($query_home_folders->numRows() > 0) {
158 |
while($folder = $query_home_folders->fetchRow()) {
159 |
$home_folders[$folder['home_folder']] = $folder['home_folder'];
160 |
161 |
162 |
function remove_home_subs($directory = '/', $home_folders) {
163 | 163 |
if($handle = opendir(WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.$directory)) { |
164 |
// Loop through the dirs to check the home folders sub-dirs are not shown |
164 |
// Loop through the dirs to check the home folders sub-dirs are not shown
165 | 165 |
while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { |
166 | 166 |
if(substr($file, 0, 1) != '.' AND $file != 'CVS' AND $file != 'index.php') { |
167 |
if(is_dir(WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.$directory.'/'.$file)) { |
168 |
if($directory != '/') { $file = $directory.'/'.$file; } else { $file = '/'.$file; } |
169 |
foreach($home_folders AS $hf) { |
170 |
$hf_length = strlen($hf); |
171 |
if($hf_length > 0) { |
172 |
if(substr($file, 0, $hf_length+1) == $hf) { |
173 |
$home_folders[$file] = $file; |
174 |
} |
175 |
} |
176 |
} |
177 |
$home_folders = remove_home_subs($file, $home_folders); |
178 |
} |
179 |
} |
180 |
} |
181 |
} |
182 |
return $home_folders; |
183 |
} |
184 |
$home_folders = remove_home_subs('/', $home_folders); |
185 |
} |
186 |
return $home_folders; |
187 |
} |
188 |
189 |
// Function to create directories |
190 |
function make_dir($dir_name, $dir_mode = OCTAL_DIR_MODE) { |
191 |
if(!file_exists($dir_name)) { |
192 |
$umask = umask(0); |
193 |
mkdir($dir_name, $dir_mode); |
194 |
umask($umask); |
195 |
return true; |
196 |
} else { |
197 |
return false; |
198 |
} |
199 |
} |
200 |
201 |
// Function to chmod files and directories |
202 |
function change_mode($name) { |
203 |
if(OPERATING_SYSTEM != 'windows') { |
204 |
// Only chmod if os is not windows |
205 |
if(is_dir($name)) { |
206 |
$mode = OCTAL_DIR_MODE; |
207 |
} else { |
208 |
$mode = OCTAL_FILE_MODE; |
209 |
} |
210 |
if(file_exists($name)) { |
211 |
$umask = umask(0); |
212 |
chmod($name, $mode); |
213 |
umask($umask); |
214 |
return true; |
215 |
} else { |
216 |
return false; |
217 |
} |
218 |
} else { |
219 |
return true; |
220 |
} |
167 |
if(is_dir(WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY.$directory.'/'.$file)) { |
168 |
if($directory != '/') { $file = $directory.'/'.$file; } else { $file = '/'.$file; } |
169 |
foreach($home_folders AS $hf) { |
170 |
$hf_length = strlen($hf); |
171 |
if($hf_length > 0) { |
172 |
if(substr($file, 0, $hf_length+1) == $hf) { |
173 |
$home_folders[$file] = $file; |
174 |
} |
175 |
} |
176 |
} |
177 |
$home_folders = remove_home_subs($file, $home_folders); |
178 |
} |
179 |
} |
180 |
} |
181 |
} |
182 |
return $home_folders; |
183 |
} |
184 |
$home_folders = remove_home_subs('/', $home_folders); |
185 |
} |
186 |
return $home_folders; |
221 | 187 |
} |
222 | 188 |
189 |
// Function to create directories |
190 |
function make_dir($dir_name, $dir_mode = OCTAL_DIR_MODE) { |
191 |
if(!file_exists($dir_name)) { |
192 |
$umask = umask(0); |
193 |
mkdir($dir_name, $dir_mode); |
194 |
umask($umask); |
195 |
return true; |
196 |
} else { |
197 |
return false; |
198 |
} |
199 |
} |
200 |
201 |
// Function to chmod files and directories |
202 |
function change_mode($name) { |
203 |
if(OPERATING_SYSTEM != 'windows') { |
204 |
// Only chmod if os is not windows |
205 |
if(is_dir($name)) { |
206 |
$mode = OCTAL_DIR_MODE; |
207 |
} else { |
208 |
$mode = OCTAL_FILE_MODE; |
209 |
} |
210 |
if(file_exists($name)) { |
211 |
$umask = umask(0); |
212 |
chmod($name, $mode); |
213 |
umask($umask); |
214 |
return true; |
215 |
} else { |
216 |
return false; |
217 |
} |
218 |
} else { |
219 |
return true; |
220 |
} |
221 |
} |
222 |
223 | 223 |
// Function to figure out if a parent exists |
224 | 224 |
function is_parent($page_id) { |
225 | 225 |
global $database; |
... | ... | |
310 | 310 |
$ids = array_merge($ids, $parent_ids); |
311 | 311 |
} |
312 | 312 |
return $ids; |
313 |
} |
314 |
315 |
// Function to genereate page trail |
316 |
function get_page_trail($page_id) { |
317 |
return implode(',', array_reverse(get_parent_ids($page_id))); |
318 | 313 |
} |
319 | 314 |
315 |
// Function to genereate page trail |
316 |
function get_page_trail($page_id) { |
317 |
return implode(',', array_reverse(get_parent_ids($page_id))); |
318 |
} |
319 |
320 | 320 |
// Function to get all sub pages id's |
321 | 321 |
function get_subs($parent, $subs) { |
322 | 322 |
// Connect to the database |
... | ... | |
333 | 333 |
// Return subs array |
334 | 334 |
return $subs; |
335 | 335 |
} |
336 |
336 |
337 | 337 |
// Function to convert a page title to a page filename |
338 |
function page_filename($string) { |
339 |
// First, translate any non-english characters to their english equivalents |
340 |
require(WB_PATH.'/framework/convert.php'); |
341 |
$string = strtr($string, $conversion_array); |
342 |
// Now replace spaces with page spcacer |
343 |
$string = str_replace(' ', PAGE_SPACER, $string); |
344 |
// Now remove all bad characters |
345 |
$bad = array( |
346 |
'\'', /* / */ '"', /* " */ '<', /* < */ '>', /* > */ |
347 |
'{', /* { */ '}', /* } */ '[', /* [ */ ']', /* ] */ '`', /* ` */ |
348 |
'!', /* ! */ '@', /* @ */ '#', /* # */ '$', /* $ */ '%', /* % */ |
349 |
'^', /* ^ */ '&', /* & */ '*', /* * */ '(', /* ( */ ')', /* ) */ |
350 |
'=', /* = */ '+', /* + */ '|', /* | */ '/', /* / */ '\\', /* \ */ |
351 |
';', /* ; */ ':', /* : */ ',', /* , */ '?' /* ? */ |
352 |
); |
353 |
$string = str_replace($bad, '', $string); |
354 |
// Now convert to lower-case |
355 |
$string = strtolower($string); |
356 |
// Now remove multiple page spacers |
357 |
$string = str_replace(PAGE_SPACER.PAGE_SPACER, PAGE_SPACER, $string); |
358 |
// Clean any page spacers at the end of string |
359 |
$string = str_replace(PAGE_SPACER, ' ', $string); |
360 |
$string = trim($string); |
361 |
$string = str_replace(' ', PAGE_SPACER, $string); |
362 |
// If there are any weird language characters, this will protect us against possible problems they could cause |
363 |
$string = str_replace(array('%2F', '%'), array('/', ''), urlencode($string)); |
338 |
function page_filename($string) {
339 |
// First, translate any non-english characters to their english equivalents
340 |
341 |
$string = strtr($string, $conversion_array);
342 |
// Now replace spaces with page spcacer
343 |
$string = str_replace(' ', PAGE_SPACER, $string);
344 |
// Now remove all bad characters
345 |
$bad = array(
346 |
'\'', /* / */ '"', /* " */ '<', /* < */ '>', /* > */
347 |
'{', /* { */ '}', /* } */ '[', /* [ */ ']', /* ] */ '`', /* ` */
348 |
'!', /* ! */ '@', /* @ */ '#', /* # */ '$', /* $ */ '%', /* % */
349 |
'^', /* ^ */ '&', /* & */ '*', /* * */ '(', /* ( */ ')', /* ) */
350 |
'=', /* = */ '+', /* + */ '|', /* | */ '/', /* / */ '\\', /* \ */
351 |
';', /* ; */ ':', /* : */ ',', /* , */ '?' /* ? */
352 |
353 |
$string = str_replace($bad, '', $string);
354 |
// Now convert to lower-case
355 |
$string = strtolower($string);
356 |
// Now remove multiple page spacers
357 |
$string = str_replace(PAGE_SPACER.PAGE_SPACER, PAGE_SPACER, $string);
358 |
// Clean any page spacers at the end of string
359 |
$string = str_replace(PAGE_SPACER, ' ', $string);
360 |
$string = trim($string);
361 |
$string = str_replace(' ', PAGE_SPACER, $string);
362 |
// If there are any weird language characters, this will protect us against possible problems they could cause
363 |
$string = str_replace(array('%2F', '%'), array('/', ''), urlencode($string));
364 | 364 |
// Finally, return the cleaned string |
365 | 365 |
return $string; |
366 |
} |
367 |
366 |
367 |
368 | 368 |
// Function to convert a desired media filename to a clean filename |
369 |
function media_filename($string) { |
370 |
// First, translate any non-english characters to their english equivalents |
371 |
require(WB_PATH.'/framework/convert.php'); |
369 |
function media_filename($string) {
370 |
// First, translate any non-english characters to their english equivalents
371 |
372 | 372 |
$string = strtr($string, $conversion_array); |
373 |
// Now remove all bad characters |
374 |
$bad = array( |
375 |
'\'', // ' |
376 |
'"', // " |
377 |
'`', // ` |
378 |
'!', // ! |
379 |
'@', // @ |
380 |
'#', // # |
381 |
'$', // $ |
382 |
'%', // % |
383 |
'^', // ^ |
384 |
'&', // & |
385 |
'*', // * |
386 |
'=', // = |
387 |
'+', // + |
388 |
'|', // | |
389 |
'/', // / |
390 |
'\\', // \ |
391 |
';', // ; |
392 |
':', // : |
393 |
',', // , |
394 |
'?' // ? |
395 |
); |
396 |
$string = str_replace($bad, '', $string); |
397 |
// Clean any page spacers at the end of string |
398 |
$string = trim($string); |
373 |
// Now remove all bad characters
374 |
$bad = array(
375 |
'\'', // '
376 |
'"', // "
377 |
'`', // `
378 |
'!', // !
379 |
'@', // @
380 |
'#', // #
381 |
'$', // $
382 |
'%', // %
383 |
'^', // ^
384 |
'&', // &
385 |
'*', // *
386 |
'=', // =
387 |
'+', // +
388 |
'|', // |
389 |
'/', // /
390 |
'\\', // \
391 |
';', // ;
392 |
':', // :
393 |
',', // ,
394 |
'?' // ?
395 |
396 |
$string = str_replace($bad, '', $string);
397 |
// Clean any page spacers at the end of string
398 |
$string = trim($string);
399 | 399 |
// Finally, return the cleaned string |
400 | 400 |
return $string; |
401 |
} |
401 |
402 | 402 |
403 |
// Function to work out a page link |
403 |
// Function to work out a page link
404 | 404 |
if(!function_exists('page_link')) { |
405 | 405 |
function page_link($link) { |
406 | 406 |
// Check for :// in the link (used in URL's) |
... | ... | |
409 | 409 |
} else { |
410 | 410 |
return $link; |
411 | 411 |
} |
412 |
} |
412 |
413 | 413 |
} |
414 | 414 |
415 | 415 |
// Create a new file in the pages directory |
416 | 416 |
function create_access_file($filename,$page_id,$level) { |
417 |
global $admin; |
417 | 418 |
if(!is_writable(WB_PATH.PAGES_DIRECTORY.'/')) { |
418 | 419 |
$admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES']['CANNOT_CREATE_ACCESS_FILE']); |
419 | 420 |
} else { |
... | ... | |
431 | 432 |
// The depth of the page directory in the directory hierarchy |
432 | 433 |
// '/pages' is at depth 1 |
433 | 434 |
$pages_dir_depth=count(explode('/',PAGES_DIRECTORY))-1; |
434 |
// Work-out how many ../'s we need to get to the index page |
435 |
// Work-out how many ../'s we need to get to the index page
435 | 436 |
$index_location = ''; |
436 | 437 |
for($i = 0; $i < $level + $pages_dir_depth; $i++) { |
437 | 438 |
$index_location .= '../'; |
... | ... | |
607 | 608 |
// And finally, return either true or false |
608 | 609 |
return $$action; |
609 | 610 |
} |
610 |
611 |
// Function to delete a page |
612 |
function delete_page($page_id) { |
613 |
614 |
global $admin, $database; |
615 |
616 |
// Find out more about the page |
617 |
$database = new database(); |
618 |
$query = "SELECT page_id,menu_title,page_title,level,link,parent,modified_by,modified_when FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"; |
619 |
$results = $database->query($query); |
620 |
if($database->is_error()) { |
621 |
$admin->print_error($database->get_error()); |
622 |
} |
623 |
if($results->numRows() == 0) { |
624 |
$admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES']['NOT_FOUND']); |
625 |
} |
626 |
$results_array = $results->fetchRow(); |
627 |
$parent = $results_array['parent']; |
628 |
$level = $results_array['level']; |
629 |
$link = $results_array['link']; |
630 |
$page_title = stripslashes($results_array['page_title']); |
631 |
$menu_title = stripslashes($results_array['menu_title']); |
632 |
633 |
// Get the sections that belong to the page |
634 |
$query_sections = $database->query("SELECT section_id,module FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sections WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"); |
635 |
if($query_sections->numRows() > 0) { |
636 |
while($section = $query_sections->fetchRow()) { |
637 |
// Set section id |
638 |
$section_id = $section['section_id']; |
639 |
// Include the modules delete file if it exists |
640 |
if(file_exists(WB_PATH.'/modules/'.$section['module'].'/delete.php')) { |
641 |
require(WB_PATH.'/modules/'.$section['module'].'/delete.php'); |
642 |
} |
643 |
} |
644 |
} |
645 |
646 |
// Update the pages table |
647 |
$query = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"; |
648 |
$database->query($query); |
649 |
if($database->is_error()) { |
650 |
$admin->print_error($database->get_error()); |
651 |
} |
652 |
653 |
// Update the sections table |
654 |
$query = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sections WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"; |
655 |
$database->query($query); |
656 |
if($database->is_error()) { |
657 |
$admin->print_error($database->get_error()); |
658 |
} |
659 |
660 |
// Include the ordering class or clean-up ordering |
661 |
require_once(WB_PATH.'/framework/class.order.php'); |
662 |
$order = new order(TABLE_PREFIX.'pages', 'position', 'page_id', 'parent'); |
663 |
$order->clean($parent); |
664 |
665 |
// Unlink the page access file and directory |
666 |
$directory = WB_PATH.PAGES_DIRECTORY.$link; |
667 |
$filename = $directory.'.php'; |
668 |
$directory .= '/'; |
669 |
if(file_exists($filename)) { |
670 |
if(!is_writable(WB_PATH.PAGES_DIRECTORY.'/')) { |
671 |
$admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES']['CANNOT_DELETE_ACCESS_FILE']); |
672 |
} else { |
673 |
unlink($filename); |
674 |
if(file_exists($directory)) { |
675 |
rm_full_dir($directory); |
676 |
} |
677 |
} |
678 |
} |
679 |
680 |
} |
681 | 611 |
682 |
?> |
612 |
// Function to delete a page |
613 |
function delete_page($page_id) { |
614 |
615 |
global $admin, $database; |
616 |
617 |
// Find out more about the page |
618 |
$database = new database(); |
619 |
$query = "SELECT page_id,menu_title,page_title,level,link,parent,modified_by,modified_when FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"; |
620 |
$results = $database->query($query); |
621 |
if($database->is_error()) { |
622 |
$admin->print_error($database->get_error()); |
623 |
} |
624 |
if($results->numRows() == 0) { |
625 |
$admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES']['NOT_FOUND']); |
626 |
} |
627 |
$results_array = $results->fetchRow(); |
628 |
$parent = $results_array['parent']; |
629 |
$level = $results_array['level']; |
630 |
$link = $results_array['link']; |
631 |
$page_title = stripslashes($results_array['page_title']); |
632 |
$menu_title = stripslashes($results_array['menu_title']); |
633 |
634 |
// Get the sections that belong to the page |
635 |
$query_sections = $database->query("SELECT section_id,module FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sections WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"); |
636 |
if($query_sections->numRows() > 0) { |
637 |
while($section = $query_sections->fetchRow()) { |
638 |
// Set section id |
639 |
$section_id = $section['section_id']; |
640 |
// Include the modules delete file if it exists |
641 |
if(file_exists(WB_PATH.'/modules/'.$section['module'].'/delete.php')) { |
642 |
require(WB_PATH.'/modules/'.$section['module'].'/delete.php'); |
643 |
} |
644 |
} |
645 |
} |
646 |
647 |
// Update the pages table |
648 |
$query = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pages WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"; |
649 |
$database->query($query); |
650 |
if($database->is_error()) { |
651 |
$admin->print_error($database->get_error()); |
652 |
} |
653 |
654 |
// Update the sections table |
655 |
$query = "DELETE FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sections WHERE page_id = '$page_id'"; |
656 |
$database->query($query); |
657 |
if($database->is_error()) { |
658 |
$admin->print_error($database->get_error()); |
659 |
} |
660 |
661 |
// Include the ordering class or clean-up ordering |
662 |
require_once(WB_PATH.'/framework/class.order.php'); |
663 |
$order = new order(TABLE_PREFIX.'pages', 'position', 'page_id', 'parent'); |
664 |
$order->clean($parent); |
665 |
666 |
// Unlink the page access file and directory |
667 |
$directory = WB_PATH.PAGES_DIRECTORY.$link; |
668 |
$filename = $directory.'.php'; |
669 |
$directory .= '/'; |
670 |
if(file_exists($filename)) { |
671 |
if(!is_writable(WB_PATH.PAGES_DIRECTORY.'/')) { |
672 |
$admin->print_error($MESSAGE['PAGES']['CANNOT_DELETE_ACCESS_FILE']); |
673 |
} else { |
674 |
unlink($filename); |
675 |
if(file_exists($directory)) { |
676 |
rm_full_dir($directory); |
677 |
} |
678 |
} |
679 |
} |
680 |
681 |
} |
682 |
683 |
?> |
Also available in: Unified diff
Restructured frontend code and fixed various bugs