Revision 2104
Added by darkviper over 10 years ago
WbDatabase.php | ||
33 | 33 |
34 | 34 |
/* -------------------------------------------------------- */ |
35 | 35 |
@define('DATABASE_CLASS_LOADED', true); |
36 |
/* define the old mysql consts for Backward compatibility */ |
37 |
if (!defined('MYSQL_ASSOC')) |
38 |
{ |
39 |
define('MYSQL_SEEK_LAST', -1); |
40 |
define('MYSQL_SEEK_FIRST', 0); |
41 |
define('MYSQL_ASSOC', 1); |
42 |
define('MYSQL_NUM', 2); |
43 |
define('MYSQL_BOTH', 3); |
44 |
define('MYSQL_CLIENT_COMPRESS', 32); |
45 |
46 |
47 |
define('MYSQL_CLIENT_SSL', 2048); |
48 |
} |
36 | 49 |
37 | 50 |
class WbDatabase { |
38 | 51 |
... | ... | |
52 | 65 |
* __constructor |
53 | 66 |
* prevent from public instancing |
54 | 67 |
*/ |
55 |
private function __construct() {} |
68 |
final private function __construct() {}
56 | 69 |
/** |
57 | 70 |
* prevent from cloning |
58 | 71 |
*/ |
59 |
private function __clone() {} |
72 |
final private function __clone() {}
60 | 73 |
/** |
61 | 74 |
* get a valid instance of this class |
62 | 75 |
* @param string $sIdentifier selector for several different instances |
63 | 76 |
* @return WbDatabase object |
64 | 77 |
*/ |
65 |
public static function getInstance($sIdentifier = 'core') |
78 |
final public static function getInstance($sIdentifier = 'core')
66 | 79 |
{ |
67 | 80 |
if( !isset(self::$_oInstances[$sIdentifier])) { |
68 | 81 |
$c = __CLASS__; |
... | ... | |
76 | 89 |
* disconnect and kills an existing instance |
77 | 90 |
* @param string $sIdentifier selector for instance to kill |
78 | 91 |
*/ |
79 |
public static function killInstance($sIdentifier) |
92 |
final public static function killInstance($sIdentifier)
80 | 93 |
{ |
81 | 94 |
if($sIdentifier != 'core') { |
82 | 95 |
if( isset(self::$_oInstances[$sIdentifier])) { |
... | ... | |
105 | 118 |
$username = isset($aIni['user']) ? $aIni['user'] : ''; |
106 | 119 |
$password = isset($aIni['pass']) ? $aIni['pass'] : ''; |
107 | 120 |
$hostport = isset($aIni['port']) ? $aIni['port'] : '3306'; |
108 |
$hostport = $hostport == '3306' ? '' : ':'.$hostport;
121 |
$hostport = $hostport == '3306' ? null : $hostport;
109 | 122 |
$db_name = ltrim(isset($aIni['path']) ? $aIni['path'] : '', '/\\'); |
110 | 123 |
$sTmp = isset($aIni['query']) ? $aIni['query'] : ''; |
111 | 124 |
$aQuery = explode('&', $sTmp); |
... | ... | |
126 | 139 |
} else { |
127 | 140 |
throw new WbDatabaseException('Missing parameter: unable to connect database'); |
128 | 141 |
} |
129 |
$this->oDbHandle = @mysql_connect($hostname.$hostport, $username, $password, true);
142 |
$this->oDbHandle = @mysqli_connect($hostname, $username, $password, $db_name, $hostport);
130 | 143 |
if (!$this->oDbHandle) { |
131 |
throw new WbDatabaseException('unable to connect \''.$scheme.'://'.$hostname.$hostport.'\''); |
144 |
throw new WbDatabaseException('unable to connect \''.$scheme.'://'.$hostname.':'.$hostport.'\'');
132 | 145 |
} else { |
133 |
if (!@mysql_select_db($db_name, $this->oDbHandle)) { |
134 |
throw new WbDatabaseException('unable to select database \''.$db_name. |
135 |
'\' on \''.$scheme.'://'. |
136 |
$hostname.$hostport.'\'' |
137 |
); |
138 |
} else { |
139 |
if ($this->sCharset) { |
140 |
@mysql_query('SET NAMES \''.$this->sCharset.'\'', $this->oDbHandle); |
141 |
} |
142 |
$this->connected = true; |
143 |
} |
146 |
if ($this->sCharset) { |
147 |
@mysqli_query($this->oDbHandle, 'SET NAMES \''.$this->sCharset.'\''); |
148 |
} |
149 |
$this->connected = true; |
144 | 150 |
} |
145 | 151 |
return $this->connected; |
146 | 152 |
} |
... | ... | |
153 | 159 |
public function disconnect() |
154 | 160 |
{ |
155 | 161 |
if ($this->connected == true && $oInstance->sInstanceIdentifier != 'core') { |
156 |
mysql_close($this->oDbHandle); |
162 |
157 | 163 |
$this->connected = false; |
158 | 164 |
return true; |
159 | 165 |
} |
... | ... | |
161 | 167 |
} |
162 | 168 |
/** |
163 | 169 |
* Alias for doQuery() |
170 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
164 | 171 |
*/ |
165 | 172 |
public function query($statement) |
166 | 173 |
{ |
... | ... | |
173 | 180 |
*/ |
174 | 181 |
public function doQuery($statement) { |
175 | 182 |
$this->iQueryCount++; |
176 |
$mysql = new mysql(); |
177 |
$mysql->query($statement, $this->oDbHandle);
183 |
$mysql = new mysql($this->oDbHandle);
184 |
$mysql->query($statement); |
178 | 185 |
$this->set_error($mysql->error($this->oDbHandle)); |
179 |
if ($mysql->error($this->oDbHandle)) {
186 |
if ($mysql->error()) { |
180 | 187 |
return null; |
181 | 188 |
} else { |
182 | 189 |
return $mysql; |
... | ... | |
184 | 191 |
} |
185 | 192 |
/** |
186 | 193 |
* Alias for getOne() |
194 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
187 | 195 |
*/ |
188 | 196 |
public function get_one( $statement ) |
189 | 197 |
{ |
... | ... | |
198 | 206 |
public function getOne( $statement ) |
199 | 207 |
{ |
200 | 208 |
$this->iQueryCount++; |
201 |
$fetch_row = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query($statement, $this->oDbHandle));
209 |
$fetch_row = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($this->oDbHandle, $statement));
202 | 210 |
$result = $fetch_row[0]; |
203 |
$this->set_error(mysql_error($this->oDbHandle)); |
204 |
if (mysql_error($this->oDbHandle)) { |
211 |
$this->set_error(null); |
212 |
if (mysqli_error($this->oDbHandle)) { |
213 |
$this->set_error(mysqli_error($this->oDbHandle)); |
205 | 214 |
return null; |
206 | 215 |
} else { |
207 | 216 |
return $result; |
... | ... | |
209 | 218 |
} |
210 | 219 |
/** |
211 | 220 |
* Alias for setError() |
221 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
212 | 222 |
*/ |
213 | 223 |
public function set_error($message = null) |
214 | 224 |
{ |
... | ... | |
225 | 235 |
} |
226 | 236 |
/** |
227 | 237 |
* Alias for isError |
238 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
228 | 239 |
*/ |
229 | 240 |
public function is_error() |
230 | 241 |
{ |
... | ... | |
240 | 251 |
} |
241 | 252 |
/** |
242 | 253 |
* Alias for getError |
254 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
243 | 255 |
*/ |
244 | 256 |
public function get_error() |
245 | 257 |
{ |
... | ... | |
278 | 290 |
break; |
279 | 291 |
case 'LastInsertId': |
280 | 292 |
case 'getLastInsertId': // << set deprecated |
281 |
$retval = mysql_insert_id($this->oDbHandle);
293 |
$retval = $this->getLastInsertId();
282 | 294 |
break; |
283 | 295 |
case 'DbName': |
284 | 296 |
case 'getDbName': // << set deprecated |
... | ... | |
306 | 318 |
*/ |
307 | 319 |
public function escapeString($unescaped_string) |
308 | 320 |
{ |
309 |
return mysql_real_escape_string($unescaped_string, $this->oDbHandle);
321 |
return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->oDbHandle, $unescaped_string);
310 | 322 |
} |
311 | 323 |
/** |
312 | 324 |
* Last inserted Id |
... | ... | |
314 | 326 |
*/ |
315 | 327 |
public function getLastInsertId() |
316 | 328 |
{ |
317 |
return mysql_insert_id($this->oDbHandle); |
329 |
return mysqli_insert_id($this->oDbHandle);
318 | 330 |
} |
319 | 331 |
/** |
320 | 332 |
* Alias for isField() |
333 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
321 | 334 |
*/ |
322 | 335 |
public function field_exists($table_name, $field_name) |
323 | 336 |
{ |
... | ... | |
331 | 344 |
public function isField($table_name, $field_name) |
332 | 345 |
{ |
333 | 346 |
$sql = 'DESCRIBE `'.$table_name.'` `'.$field_name.'` '; |
334 |
$query = $this->query($sql, $this->oDbHandle);
347 |
$query = $this->doQuery($sql);
335 | 348 |
return ($query->numRows() != 0); |
336 | 349 |
} |
337 | 350 |
/** |
338 | 351 |
* Alias for isIndex() |
352 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
339 | 353 |
*/ |
340 | 354 |
public function index_exists($table_name, $index_name, $number_fields = 0) |
341 | 355 |
{ |
... | ... | |
352 | 366 |
$number_fields = intval($number_fields); |
353 | 367 |
$keys = 0; |
354 | 368 |
$sql = 'SHOW INDEX FROM `'.$table_name.'`'; |
355 |
if (($res_keys = $this->doQuery($sql, $this->oDbHandle))) {
369 |
if (($res_keys = $this->doQuery($sql))) { |
356 | 370 |
while (($rec_key = $res_keys->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC))) { |
357 | 371 |
if ( $rec_key['Key_name'] == $index_name ) { |
358 | 372 |
$keys++; |
... | ... | |
368 | 382 |
} |
369 | 383 |
/** |
370 | 384 |
* Alias for addField() |
385 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
371 | 386 |
*/ |
372 | 387 |
public function field_add($table_name, $field_name, $description) |
373 | 388 |
{ |
... | ... | |
384 | 399 |
if (!$this->isField($table_name, $field_name)) { |
385 | 400 |
// add new field into a table |
386 | 401 |
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table_name.'` ADD '.$field_name.' '.$description.' '; |
387 |
$query = $this->doQuery($sql, $this->oDbHandle);
388 |
$this->set_error(mysql_error($this->oDbHandle)); |
402 |
$query = $this->doQuery($sql); |
403 |
389 | 404 |
if (!$this->isError()) { |
390 | 405 |
return ( $this->isField($table_name, $field_name) ) ? true : false; |
391 | 406 |
} |
... | ... | |
396 | 411 |
} |
397 | 412 |
/** |
398 | 413 |
* Alias for modifyField() |
414 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
399 | 415 |
*/ |
400 | 416 |
public function field_modify($table_name, $field_name, $description) |
401 | 417 |
{ |
... | ... | |
413 | 429 |
if ($this->isField($table_name, $field_name)) { |
414 | 430 |
// modify a existing field in a table |
415 | 431 |
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table_name.'` MODIFY `'.$field_name.'` '.$description; |
416 |
$retval = ( $this->doQuery($sql, $this->oDbHandle) ? true : false);
417 |
432 |
$retval = ( $this->doQuery($sql) ? true : false); |
433 |
418 | 434 |
} |
419 | 435 |
return $retval; |
420 | 436 |
} |
421 | 437 |
/** |
422 | 438 |
* Alias for removeField() |
439 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
423 | 440 |
*/ |
424 | 441 |
public function field_remove($table_name, $field_name) |
425 | 442 |
{ |
... | ... | |
442 | 459 |
} |
443 | 460 |
/** |
444 | 461 |
* Alias for addIndex() |
462 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
445 | 463 |
*/ |
446 | 464 |
public function index_add($table_name, $index_name, $field_list, $index_type = 'KEY') |
447 | 465 |
{ |
... | ... | |
466 | 484 |
{ |
467 | 485 |
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table_name.'` '; |
468 | 486 |
$sql .= 'DROP INDEX `'.$index_name.'`'; |
469 |
if (!$this->doQuery($sql, $this->oDbHandle)) { return false; }
487 |
if (!$this->doQuery($sql)) { return false; } |
470 | 488 |
} |
471 | 489 |
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table_name.'` '; |
472 | 490 |
$sql .= 'ADD '.$index_type.' '; |
473 | 491 |
$sql .= $index_type == 'PRIMARY' ? 'KEY ' : '`'.$index_name.'` '; |
474 | 492 |
$sql .= '( '.$field_list.' ); '; |
475 |
if ($this->doQuery($sql, $this->oDbHandle)) { $retval = true; }
493 |
if ($this->doQuery($sql)) { $retval = true; } |
476 | 494 |
return $retval; |
477 | 495 |
} |
478 | 496 |
/** |
479 | 497 |
* Alias for removeIndex() |
498 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
480 | 499 |
*/ |
481 | 500 |
public function index_remove($table_name, $index_name) |
482 | 501 |
{ |
... | ... | |
493 | 512 |
if ($this->isIndex($table_name, $index_name)) { |
494 | 513 |
// modify a existing field in a table |
495 | 514 |
$sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$table_name.'` DROP INDEX `'.$index_name.'`'; |
496 |
$retval = ( $this->doQuery($sql, $this->oDbHandle) ? true : false );
515 |
$retval = ( $this->doQuery($sql) ? true : false ); |
497 | 516 |
} |
498 | 517 |
return $retval; |
499 | 518 |
} |
500 | 519 |
/** |
501 | 520 |
* Alias for importSql() |
521 |
* @deprecated from WB-2.8.5 and higher |
502 | 522 |
*/ |
503 | 523 |
public function SqlImport($sSqlDump, |
504 | 524 |
$sTablePrefix = '', |
505 |
$bPreserve = true,
525 |
$sAction = 'install',
506 | 526 |
$sEngine = 'MyISAM', |
507 | 527 |
$sCollation = 'utf8_unicode_ci') |
508 | 528 |
{ |
509 | 529 |
return $this->importSql($sSqlDump, $sTablePrefix, $bPreserve, $sEngine, $sCollation); |
510 | 530 |
} |
511 | 531 |
/** |
512 |
* Import a standard *.sql dump file |
513 |
* @param string $sSqlDump link to the sql-dumpfile |
514 |
* @param string $sTablePrefix |
515 |
* @param bool $bPreserve set to true will ignore all DROP TABLE statements |
516 |
* @param string $sEngine can be 'MyISAM' or 'InnoDB' |
517 |
* @param string $sCollation one of the list of available collations |
518 |
* @return boolean true if import successful |
519 |
* @description Import a standard *.sql dump file<br /> |
520 |
* The file can include placeholders TABLE_PREFIX, TABLE_COLLATION and TABLE_ENGINE |
532 |
* Import an SQl-Dumpfile witch can include unlimited placeholders for values |
533 |
* @param mixed $mSqlDump can be string with filename or array with additional vars |
534 |
* @param string $sTablePrefix can be used to override settings from WbDatabase object |
535 |
* @param string $sAction 'install', 'uninstall', 'upgrade', 'repair |
536 |
* @param string $sEngine kind of table engine: MyIsam(default) |
537 |
* @param string $sCollation utf8_unicode_ci(default) |
538 |
* @return bool false on error |
521 | 539 |
*/ |
522 |
public function importSql($sSqlDump, |
523 |
$sTablePrefix = '', /* unused argument, for backward compatibility only! */ |
524 |
$bPreserve = true, |
525 |
$sEngine = 'MyISAM', |
526 |
$sCollation = 'utf8_unicode_ci') |
527 |
{ |
528 |
$sCollation = ($sCollation != '' ? $sCollation : 'utf8_unicode_ci'); |
529 |
$aCharset = preg_split('/_/', $sCollation, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); |
530 |
$sEngine = 'ENGINE='.$sEngine.' DEFAULT CHARSET='.$aCharset[0].' COLLATE='.$sCollation; |
531 |
$sCollation = ' collate '.$sCollation; |
540 |
public function importSql( |
541 |
$mSqlDump, |
542 |
$sTablePrefix = '', // can override settings from WbDatabase object |
543 |
$sAction = 'install', // skip 'DROP TABLE' statements |
544 |
$sEngine = 'MyISAM', // the default table engine |
545 |
$sCollation = 'utf8_unicode_ci' // the default collation to use |
546 |
) |
547 |
{ |
532 | 548 |
$retval = true; |
533 | 549 |
$this->error = ''; |
534 |
$aSearch = array('{TABLE_PREFIX}','{TABLE_ENGINE}', '{TABLE_COLLATION}'); |
535 |
$aReplace = array($this->sTablePrefix, $sEngine, $sCollation); |
550 |
// sanitize arguments |
551 |
if (! is_string($sAction)) { |
552 |
$sAction = $sAction ? 'repair' : 'install'; |
553 |
} |
554 |
$aAllowedActions = array('install', 'uninstall', 'upgrade', 'repair'); |
555 |
$sAction = strtolower(preg_replace('/^.*?('.implode('|', $aAllowedActions).')(\.php)?$/iU', '$1', $sAction)); |
556 |
$sAction = (in_array($sAction, $aAllowedActions) ? $sAction : 'install'); |
557 |
$sTablePrefix = trim($sTablePrefix); |
558 |
$aEngineTypes = array( |
559 |
'csv' => 'CSV', |
560 |
'blackhole' => 'BLACKHOLE', |
561 |
'memory' => 'MEMORY', |
562 |
'myisam' => 'MyISAM', |
563 |
'innodb' => 'InnoDB', |
564 |
'archive' => 'ARCHIVE', |
565 |
'mrg_myisam' => 'MRG_MYISAM' |
566 |
); |
567 |
if (isset($aEngineTypes[strtolower($sEngine)])) { |
568 |
$sEngine = $aEngineTypes[strtolower($sEngine)]; |
569 |
} else { |
570 |
$sEngine = 'MyISAM'; |
571 |
} |
572 |
// test if selected collation is available. Otherwise select 'utf8_unicode_ci' |
573 |
574 |
. 'WHERE `COLLATION_NAME`=\''.$sCollation.'\''; |
575 |
$sCollation = ($this->get_one($sql) ? $sCollation : 'utf8_unicode_ci'); |
576 |
$aTmp = preg_split('/_/', $sCollation, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); |
577 |
$sCharset = $aTmp[0]; |
578 |
// define array of searches |
579 |
$aSearch = array( |
580 |
'/\{TABLE_PREFIX\}/', |
581 |
'/\{TABLE_COLLATION\}/', // deprecated from 2.8.4 |
582 |
'/\{FIELD_COLLATION\}/', // deprecated from 2.8.4 |
583 |
'/\{TABLE_ENGINE\}/', |
584 |
'/\{TABLE_ENGINE=([a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\}/', |
585 |
'/\{CHARSET\}/', |
586 |
'/\{COLLATION\}/' |
587 |
); |
588 |
// define array of replacements |
589 |
$aReplace = array( |
590 |
$sTablePrefix, |
591 |
' COLLATE {COLLATION}', // deprecated from 2.8.4 |
592 |
' COLLATE {COLLATION}', // deprecated from 2.8.4 |
593 |
' {ENGINE='.$sEngine.'}', |
594 |
595 |
$sCharset, |
596 |
$sCollation |
597 |
); |
598 |
599 |
if (is_array($mSqlDump)) { |
600 |
// try to get dumpfile name |
601 |
if (!isset($mSqlDump['sSqlDump'])) { |
602 |
$this->error = 'missing index \'sSqlDump\' in $mSqlDump'; |
603 |
return false; |
604 |
} else { |
605 |
// get dumpfile name from array and then remove entry |
606 |
$sDumpFile = (string)$mSqlDump['sSqlDump']; |
607 |
unset($mSqlDump['sSqlDump']); |
608 |
// import all vars and it's values from array |
609 |
foreach ($mSqlDump as $sIndex => $sValue) { |
610 |
// transform varname into placeholder name ('sPageTitle' => 'PAGE_TITLE') |
611 |
$sIndex = strtoupper(preg_replace('/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/', '\1_\2', ltrim($sIndex, 'a..z'))); |
612 |
// fill search/replace arrays |
613 |
$aSearch[] = '/\{'.$sIndex.'\}/'; |
614 |
$aReplace[] = $sValue ; |
615 |
} |
616 |
} |
617 |
} elseif (is_string($mSqlDump)) { |
618 |
$sDumpFile = (string)$mSqlDump; |
619 |
} else { |
620 |
$this->error = 'invalid argument $mSqlDump'; |
621 |
return false; |
622 |
} |
623 |
if (!is_readable($sDumpFile)) { |
624 |
$this->Error = 'unable to open \''.$sDumpFile.'\''; |
625 |
return false; |
626 |
} |
536 | 627 |
$sql = ''; |
537 |
$aSql = file($sSqlDump);
538 |
// $aSql[0] = preg_replace('/^\xEF\xBB\xBF/', '', $aSql[0]);
628 |
$aSql = file($sDumpFile, FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
629 |
// remove possible ByteOrderMark
539 | 630 |
$aSql[0] = preg_replace('/^[\xAA-\xFF]{3}/', '', $aSql[0]); |
540 | 631 |
while (sizeof($aSql) > 0) { |
541 | 632 |
$sSqlLine = trim(array_shift($aSql)); |
542 | 633 |
if (!preg_match('/^[-\/]+.*/', $sSqlLine)) { |
543 | 634 |
$sql = $sql.' '.$sSqlLine; |
544 | 635 |
if ((substr($sql,-1,1) == ';')) { |
545 |
$sql = trim(str_replace( $aSearch, $aReplace, $sql)); |
546 |
if (!($bPreserve && preg_match('/^\s*DROP TABLE IF EXISTS/siU', $sql))) { |
547 |
if (!mysql_query($sql, $this->oDbHandle)) { |
548 |
$retval = false; |
549 |
$this->error = mysql_error($this->oDbHandle); |
550 |
unset($aSql); |
551 |
break; |
552 |
} |
553 |
} |
636 |
$sql = trim(preg_replace($aSearch, $aReplace, $sql)); |
637 |
638 |
switch ($sAction) { |
639 |
case 'uninstall': // skip CREATE; execute DROP |
640 |
if (preg_match('/^\s*CREATE ('.$sAvailSqlObjects.') /siU', $sql)) { |
641 |
$sql = ''; |
642 |
continue; // read next statement |
643 |
} |
644 |
break; |
645 |
case 'upgrade': // skip DROP; execute CREATE |
646 |
case 'repair': // skip DROP; execute CREATE |
647 |
if (preg_match('/^\s*DROP ('.$sAvailSqlObjects.') /siU', $sql)) { |
648 |
$sql = ''; |
649 |
continue; // read next statement |
650 |
} |
651 |
break; |
652 |
default: // install: execute DROP; execute CREATE |
653 |
break; |
654 |
} |
655 |
if (!$this->doQuery($sql)) { |
656 |
$retval = false; |
657 |
$this->error = $this->getError(); |
658 |
unset($aSql); |
659 |
break; |
660 |
} |
554 | 661 |
$sql = ''; |
555 | 662 |
} |
556 | 663 |
} |
557 | 664 |
} |
558 | 665 |
return $retval; |
559 |
666 |
} // end of function importSql()
560 | 667 |
/** |
561 | 668 |
* retuns the type of the engine used for requested table |
562 | 669 |
* @param string $table name of the table, including prefix |
... | ... | |
565 | 672 |
public function getTableEngine($table) |
566 | 673 |
{ |
567 | 674 |
$retVal = false; |
568 |
$mysqlVersion = mysql_get_server_info($this->oDbHandle); |
675 |
$mysqlVersion = mysqli_get_server_info($this->oDbHandle);
569 | 676 |
$engineValue = (version_compare($mysqlVersion, '5.0') < 0) ? 'Type' : 'Engine'; |
570 | 677 |
$sql = 'SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `' . $this->sDbName . '` LIKE \'' . $table . '\''; |
571 |
if (($result = $this->doQuery($sql, $this->oDbHandle))) {
678 |
if (($result = $this->doQuery($sql))) { |
572 | 679 |
if (($row = $result->fetchRow(MYSQL_ASSOC))) { |
573 | 680 |
$retVal = $row[$engineValue]; |
574 | 681 |
} |
... | ... | |
614 | 721 |
*/ |
615 | 722 |
class mysql { |
616 | 723 |
617 |
private $result = null; |
724 |
private $result = null;
618 | 725 |
private $oDbHandle = null; |
726 |
private $error = ''; |
619 | 727 |
728 |
public function __construct($oHandle) |
729 |
{ |
730 |
$this->oDbHandle = $oHandle; |
731 |
} |
620 | 732 |
/** |
621 | 733 |
* query sql statement |
622 | 734 |
* @param string $statement |
623 |
* @param object $dbHandle |
624 | 735 |
* @return object |
625 | 736 |
* @throws WbDatabaseException |
626 | 737 |
*/ |
627 |
function query($statement, $dbHandle)
738 |
function query($sStatement)
628 | 739 |
{ |
629 |
$this->oDbHandle = $dbHandle; |
630 |
$this->result = @mysql_query($statement, $this->oDbHandle); |
740 |
$this->result = @mysqli_query($this->oDbHandle, $sStatement); |
631 | 741 |
if ($this->result === false) { |
632 | 742 |
if (DEBUG) { |
633 |
throw new WbDatabaseException(mysql_error($this->oDbHandle)); |
743 |
throw new WbDatabaseException(mysqli_error($this->oDbHandle));
634 | 744 |
} else { |
635 | 745 |
throw new WbDatabaseException('Error in SQL-Statement'); |
636 | 746 |
} |
637 | 747 |
} |
638 |
$this->error = mysql_error($this->oDbHandle); |
748 |
$this->error = mysqli_error($this->oDbHandle);
639 | 749 |
return $this->result; |
640 | 750 |
} |
641 | 751 |
/** |
... | ... | |
645 | 755 |
*/ |
646 | 756 |
function numRows() |
647 | 757 |
{ |
648 |
return mysql_num_rows($this->result); |
758 |
return mysqli_num_rows($this->result);
649 | 759 |
} |
650 | 760 |
/** |
651 | 761 |
* fetchRow |
... | ... | |
655 | 765 |
*/ |
656 | 766 |
function fetchRow($typ = MYSQL_BOTH) |
657 | 767 |
{ |
658 |
return mysql_fetch_array($this->result, $typ); |
768 |
return mysqli_fetch_array($this->result, $typ);
659 | 769 |
} |
660 | 770 |
/** |
661 | 771 |
* fetchObject |
... | ... | |
667 | 777 |
function fetchObject($sClassName = null, array $aParams = null) |
668 | 778 |
{ |
669 | 779 |
if ($sClassName === null || class_exists($sClassName)) { |
670 |
return mysql_fetch_object($this->result, $sClassName, $aParams); |
780 |
return mysqli_fetch_object($this->result, $sClassName, $aParams);
671 | 781 |
} else { |
672 | 782 |
throw new WbDatabaseException('Class <'.$sClassName.'> not available on request of mysql_fetch_object()'); |
673 | 783 |
} |
... | ... | |
691 | 801 |
{ |
692 | 802 |
$pmax = $this->numRows() - 1; |
693 | 803 |
$p = (($position < 0 || $position > $pmax) ? $pmax : $position); |
694 |
return mysql_data_seek($this->result, $p); |
804 |
return mysqli_data_seek($this->result, $p);
695 | 805 |
} |
696 | 806 |
/** |
697 | 807 |
* freeResult |
... | ... | |
700 | 810 |
*/ |
701 | 811 |
function freeResult() |
702 | 812 |
{ |
703 |
return mysql_free_result($this->result); |
813 |
return mysqli_free_result($this->result);
704 | 814 |
} |
705 | 815 |
/** |
706 | 816 |
* Get error |
... | ... | |
737 | 847 |
} |
738 | 848 |
} |
739 | 849 |
$retval = true; |
740 |
foreach( $key as $index=>$val) |
741 |
{ |
742 |
$index = strtolower($index); |
743 |
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(`setting_id`) ' |
744 |
. 'FROM `'.$oDb->TablePrefix.$table.'` ' |
745 |
. 'WHERE `name` = \''.$index.'\' '; |
746 |
if ($oDb->getOne($sql)) { |
747 |
$sql = 'UPDATE '; |
748 |
$sql_where = 'WHERE `name` = \''.$index.'\''; |
749 |
} else { |
750 |
$sql = 'INSERT INTO '; |
751 |
$sql_where = ''; |
752 |
} |
753 |
$sql .= '`'.$oDb->TablePrefix.$table.'` '; |
754 |
$sql .= 'SET `name` = \''.$index.'\', '; |
755 |
$sql .= '`value` = \''.$val.'\' '.$sql_where; |
850 |
$sNameValPairs = ''; |
851 |
foreach ($key as $index => $val) { |
852 |
$sNameValPairs .= ', (\''.$index.'\', \''.$val.'\')'; |
853 |
} |
854 |
$sValues = ltrim($sNameValPairs, ', '); |
855 |
if ($sValues != '') { |
856 |
$sql = 'REPLACE INTO `'.$oDb->TablePrefix.$table.'` (`name`, `value`) ' |
857 |
. 'VALUES '.$sValues; |
756 | 858 |
if (!$oDb->doQuery($sql)) { |
757 | 859 |
$retval = false; |
758 | 860 |
} |
759 |
861 |
760 | 862 |
return $retval; |
761 | 863 |
} |
Also available in: Unified diff
! complete rebuild of wb/install/ - changed to use import-struct.sql
! change class WbDatabase from mysql to msqli
! rework of WbDatabase::importSql()
! function db_update_key_value() optimized for speed
! field `settings_id`removed from table `settings` and new primary key set to `name`
! update-script extended to modify table `settings`