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Revision 1777

Added by Dietmar over 11 years ago

+ add methode StripCodeFromText in class.wb to clean injection
! rebranding the admin/settings and security fixes
! a few new styling in backend wb_theme
! beginning aa lot of account changes like correction of $_SESSION indexe, security fixes
+ add head.load.min.js and head.min.js to /include/jquery/ to style HTML5 templates

View differences:

16 16
/* here you can style the account templates */
17 17
.note { background :#eeffee; border :0.2em #448844 solid; color :#004400; margin-bottom :1em; padding :0.63em; }
18 18
.warning { background :#ffeeee; border :1px #884444 solid; color :#440000; margin-bottom :1em; padding :1.5em; }
.rounded { border-radius :10px; -khtml-border-radius :10px; -webkit-border-radius :10px; -moz-border-radius :10px; }
19 20
div.account { width :80%; margin :1em auto; }
20 21
div.account div.signup, 
21 22
div.account div.details, 
31 32
.nixhier { display :none; }
32 33
.center { text-align :center; }
33 34
div.account table td.input input { width :90%; }
/* DIV-mbox to show selector or simply content only ************************* */
.display_name { border :1px solid #666666; color :#000000; text-align :left; font-weight :bold; background-color :#dddddd; margin :2px auto; padding :2px 0px 2px 6px; width :71%; }
.rbold { text-align :right; font-weight :bold; vertical-align :middle; }/* DIV-mbox to show selector or simply content only ************************* */
35 37
div.mbox { padding :0.6em; margin :1em auto; background-color : #f3f5f8; color :#330033; font-size :1.1em; display :block; }
36 38
/* extension for mbox to show additional icons on left side ***************** */
37 39
div.mbox-icon { background-repeat :no-repeat; background-image :url(../images/info_50.png); background-position :15px 50%; padding :15px; min-height :25px; }

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