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Revision 1546

Added by Dietmar almost 13 years ago

! recoded /account/forgot_form.php
! update quickSkin
! update languages files
+ add /temp/quickSkin/ folder
! begin fixing sec_anchor in urls

View differences:

540 540
$MESSAGE['MEDIA_TARGET_DOT_DOT_SLASH'] = 'Cannot have ../ in the folder target';
541 541
$MESSAGE['MEDIA_UPLOADED'] = ' files were successfully uploaded';
542 542
$MESSAGE['MOD_FORM_EXCESS_SUBMISSIONS'] = 'Sorry, this form has been submitted too many times so far this hour. Please retry in the next hour.';
$MESSAGE['MOD_FORM_INCORRECT_CAPTCHA'] = 'The verification number (also known as Captcha) that you entered is incorrect. If you are having problems reading the Captcha, please email: '.SERVER_EMAIL;
$MESSAGE['MOD_FORM_INCORRECT_CAPTCHA'] = 'The verification number (also known as Captcha) that you entered is incorrect. If you are having problems reading the Captcha, please email: <a href="mailto:'.SERVER_EMAIL.'">'.SERVER_EMAIL.'</a>';
544 544
$MESSAGE['MOD_FORM_REQUIRED_FIELDS'] = 'You must enter details for the following fields';
545 545
$MESSAGE['PAGES_ADDED'] = 'Page added successfully';
546 546
$MESSAGE['PAGES_ADDED_HEADING'] = 'Page heading added successfully';

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