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Revision 1475

Added by Luisehahne over 13 years ago

+ add SecureForm.mtab.php under mantennance by WebsiteBaker Community
! security fixes media, groups, users, sections
  1. change lang variable to remove upgrade-script
    ! reworked add sections in pages
    ! fix set empty href in show_menu2
    ! set show_menu2 version to 4.9.6
    ! reworked Droplet LoginBox, add redirect query
    - remove unneeded folder js
    ! set Droplet to version 1.1.0
    + add checkboxes to change frontend absolute url to relative urls
    ! set output_filter version to 0.2

View differences:

632 632
$MESSAGE['SIGNUP_NO_EMAIL'] = 'Deve inserire un indirizzo di email';
633 633
$MESSAGE['START_CURRENT_USER'] = 'Sei registrato come:';
634 634
$MESSAGE['START_INSTALL_DIR_EXISTS'] = 'Attenzione, la directory di installazione esiste già!';
$MESSAGE['START_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_EXISTS'] = 'Please delete the file "upgrade-script.php" from your webspace.';
635 636
$MESSAGE['START_WELCOME_MESSAGE'] = 'Benvenuto alla pagina di Amministrazione di WebsiteBaker';
636 637
$MESSAGE['TEMPLATES_CHANGE_TEMPLATE_NOTICE'] = 'Per cambiare il Template andare alla sezione Impostazioni';
637 638
$MESSAGE['USERS_ADDED'] = 'Utente aggiunto';

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