Revision 1454
Added by DarkViper almost 14 years ago
functions.php | ||
682 | 682 |
require_once(WB_PATH.'/framework/functions-utf8.php'); |
683 | 683 |
$string = entities_to_7bit($string); |
684 | 684 |
// Now remove all bad characters |
685 |
$bad = array( |
686 |
'\'', // ' |
687 |
'"', // " |
688 |
'`', // ` |
689 |
'!', // ! |
690 |
'@', // @ |
691 |
'#', // # |
692 |
'$', // $ |
693 |
'%', // % |
694 |
'^', // ^ |
695 |
'&', // & |
696 |
'*', // * |
697 |
'=', // = |
698 |
'+', // + |
699 |
'|', // | |
700 |
'/', // / |
701 |
'\\', // \ |
702 |
';', // ; |
703 |
':', // : |
704 |
',', // , |
705 |
'?' // ? |
706 |
); |
685 |
$bad = array('\'','"','`','!','@','#','$','%','^','&','*','=','+','|','/','\\',';',':',',','?'); |
707 | 686 |
$string = str_replace($bad, '', $string); |
708 | 687 |
// replace multiple dots in filename to single dot and (multiple) dots at the end of the filename to nothing |
709 |
$string = preg_replace(array('/\.+/', '/\.+$/'), array('.', ''), $string);
688 |
$string = preg_replace(array('/\.+/', '/\.+$/', '/\s/'), array('.', '', '_'), $string);
710 | 689 |
// Clean any page spacers at the end of string |
711 | 690 |
$string = trim($string); |
712 | 691 |
// Finally, return the cleaned string |
Also available in: Unified diff
in /framework/functions.php::media_filename - replace whitespaces by _
/upgrade-script.php - some small fixes