+ new error_handler added+ var/log/error.log added+ new class LogRotation added
! class WbDatabase: all deprecated methods now will trigger a E_USER_DEPRECATED error.
! framework/initialize.php optimised read-settings routine for speed and memory consumption.
! framework/ ~WbDatabaseHelper ~WbDatabase some little correction to different methods
! /framework/msgQueueMethods ::getError() and ::getSuccess() are deprecated and havebeen replaced replaced by ::getMessages(). See inline documentation for further information
! /framework/class.Login.php! /account/ ~login_form.php ~login.php! /admin/login/index.php fixed some possible intruder vectors and complete 2.8.4 adaption
! /framework/initialize + ! /framework/WbAutoloader abbreviation list moved to initialize; added method getAbbreviations()
! /framework/SqlImport modified for new export format of phpMyAdmin
! /index.php adapted for WB-2.8.4
! SqlImport::setDefaultCollation() requesting charsets modified! framework/initialize some fixes and modifications
28 Dec-2014 Build 2117 Manuela v.d.Decken(DarkViper)! framework/SqlImport updated for new phpMAdmin field formats
! recoded main language files into utf-8 - removed old array structure (see deprecated list #2 from 2010)
+ framework/UpgradeHelper additiona vars to method convInfoIni2InfoPhp()! module/show_menu2/ the directoryname of this 'Snippet' has been changed to ShowMenu2.- show_menu2: The Flag SM2::BUFFER has been removed+ show_menu2: The Flag SM2::NOBUFFER was added
+ framework/UpgradeHelper added new method convInfoIni2InfoPhp()
! module/show_menu2/ Changed global Constants into class constants
- removed importSql() method from class WbDatabase+ new class SqlImport added
! complete rebuild of wb/install/ - changed to use import-struct.sql! change class WbDatabase from mysql to msqli! rework of WbDatabase::importSql()! function db_update_key_value() optimized for speed! field `settings_id`removed from table `settings` and new primary key set to `name`...
delete wrong commit
! activate class Translate for all addons in admin/ (except pages/)! class.admin >> add translation of the current theme to Translate
+ Translate::enablePrivateTable() allows to add more private language definitions+ Translate::disablePrivateTable()! TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle move hardcoded foldername into a variable
! /functions::make_thumb() set JPG-compression to 100%! /database::showError() output text corrected! ../captcha.php::call_captcha() imagesize corected! droplet >> [[SiteModified]] recoded! droplet >> [[ModifiedWhen]] recoded! install/index length of password restricted to 30 chars
! modules/output-filter remove a string from display output
! several files: remove multiple ;;! uninstall language deactivated- droplet: iSectionPicker+ droplet: SectionPicker
! several Files: corrected case sensitivity of ::getInstance()
! admin/pages/add class AccessFile implemented
! build DSN extended for PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND = 'SET NAMES xx'
! added missing translation in admin/users! DOC-files updated.
! admin/pages/settings_save class AccessFile implemented
! modules/output_filter added new field `opf` in mod_output_filter.sql
! admin/users/languages update
+ added new outputfilter to use OutputFilterDashboard
recall tagging of WebsiteBaker 2.8.4 release
Tagging WebsiteBaker 2.8.4 release
- include/Sensio/Twig added Version 1.15.0
! update revision properties for all files- include/Sensio/Twig remove Version 1.13.2
! module News: some little fixes, implementation of AccessFile completed.
+ /admin/users/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)
! /modules/output_filter/OutputFilterApi.php:: Typofix
! wb::mail added message on error if DEBUG is set
! update class Wbmailer for use of PHPMailerAutoload
! change wysiwyg module from filterMediaRel to filterReplaceSysvar! change wb::ReplaceAbsoluteMediaUrl from filterMediaRel to filterReplaceSysvar
! replace filterMediaRel by filterReplaceSysvar in module/output_filter+ add OutputFilterApi in module/outputfilter! update index.php in module/output_filter
+ add missing EN translation for PHPMailer
! update language files from PHPMailer
- remove old language files from PHPMailer
! update PHPMailer to version Version 5.2.7
+ /admin/pages/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)+ /admin/groups/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)+ /admin/settings/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)
+ /admin/addons/languages/ 22 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)
! update Access Files Classes with easier handling for modules who create their own accessfiles
+ /admin/addons/languages/ add more Language Files (Tks To jacobi22)
+ /admin/addons/languages/ add NL Languages File (Tks To Nibz)
- /media/~dummy.git + /media/favicon.ico- /pages/~dummy.git+ /pages/favicon.ico
! update version number of module FCK-Editor to 2.10.0
! set version status to 2.8.4