typofix in Droplet [ShowRandomWysiwyg]
Droplet [SectionPicker] fixedAdded new droplets [ShowWysiwyg] and [ShowRandomWysiwyg]
! forgot info.php
+ Validationfix, add qx_rawlang.php in quickSkin_alpha to solve <a> escaping malformed URI reference messages in javascript! fixed magic_quotes_gpc=on, magic_quotes going to be removed in PHP6. and some hoster do not set it to off
typofix in /modules/form/view.php (Tks to jacobi22)
more fixed issues with get_magic_quotes_gpc and FCKeditorremove create and upload in FCKeditor Filemanager
update all used files with redirect_url to $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER']
fixed issues with get_magic_quotes_gpc and FCKeditor
fix form language vars for better understanding (Tks to Maverik)change request if HTTP_REFERER is not empty in logout.php
fixed use of undefined constant fri in /form/view.php
rebuild protectfile in pages/posts
added request var to submit a request identifier. argument ?fri=12345 on GET-view will submit 'FormRequestId: 12345' by email
news: added sql-dump to create database tables, some little fixes in install/upgrade
fixed double table width in modify.php form module ((Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
! form module, shows email-adress from body tag- remove scrollable table in overview form module
forgot upload save.php in wysiwyg module
some little fixes in wysiwyg module
dropdown list to choose recipient for email confirmation
remove unneeded input fields in form settings
fixed warning in domain independend image links
wysiwyg module changed to domain independend image links
+ add instruction README.de.txt in form module! update jquery to jQuery 1.7.1 and jQuery UI 1.8.17
+ add automatically generated e-mail language form variable! send confirmation mail with details to superadmin from SERVER_EMAIL! send confirmation mail without details to sender from SERVER_EMAIL
! recoded formmodul, add dropdown email_fromname_field
update php mailer to version 5.2
! recoded /account/forgot_form.php! update quickSkin ! update languages files + add /temp/quickSkin/ folder! begin fixing sec_anchor in urls
fix droplet import after new wb installtion
fix droplet sectionPickerfix install config.php not writeable check table droplet if empty import examples
did some changes and fixes found by testers
! add table db engine in module install scripts! some small updates in modules
continue updating headerinfos, adding upgrade scripts to module
+ add upgrade.php to captcha_control and small changes+ add FolderProtectFile to quickskin
! changes in code modul+ add function getTableEngine to class.database + add Quickskin to include folder+ add reworkes Droplet SectionPicker to load modules frontend.css
filter-routines.php rel-URL Filter fixed for mailto-links
new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)some fixes in install
add new backend theme handling (Tks to Stefek)
fix redirect login
update jquery to version 1.6.4
/modules/output_filter completely recoded+ new filter for relative-URL added+ some small fixes /admin/admintools/tool.php completely recoded/wb/index.php output_filter request changed to adopt new output_filter
outputfilter now check and add missing slash in empty href if relative urls are enabled
change sql statements to strict in module dropletsfix vars in compatibility mode for versions before 2.8.1 in frontend.functions.php
comment out $email_body .= "\n\nIP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
set default FCKConfig.FillEmptyBlocks to true
rename config.php.bak to config.php.newfixed rss.php SERVER_EMAIL
move fixes 2.8.2 to 2.8.3fixes will be shown in an extra readmean package with the fixed files will be createdfor all users who downloaded the 2.8.2 before 29 Jul-2011
preparing backend for the new installeradd SecureFormSwitcher (Admintool)
! update DA language (Tks to Achrist)! update some languages variables (Tks to Rübenwurzel, Testör)! move function url_encode from admin/pages to framework/functions.php ! add missing svn properties in some headerinfos! font-size correction in wb_theme (Tks to Rübenwurzel)
found more backlinks to fixremove not working ftan in frontendfixed redirect in login procedure (Tks to mr-fan)update droplet LoginBox, additional parameter $redirectremove double config call in media (Tks to Testör)
fix form modul (tks to our Tester)
bugfix in initialize including SecureFormupdate admintools FTAN handling
Ticket 1101, phtml|php5|php4|php|cgi|pl|exe|com|bat|src| will be hardcodedadditional you can set more extension in settings extended in field rename_file_typesrename_file_types now is a blacklist and will no longer be renamed to .txt
update admintools modules to work with SecureForm Patch from NorHei
Ticket 833 fixed markup for table cells in view.phpchange themes.css to make style more flexible in success.htt and error.httbackend themes: add js function redirect_to_page(url, timer) to redirect without message
Preparing 2.8.2 stable, last tests
add PL languages to news and captcha_control (tks to vixrealitum)update PL language for WebsiteBaker (tks to vixrealitum)
fixed Bug-Ticket #1096
cleanup some code in edit_module_files.php
secure fix edit_module_files.phpfix wb_wrapper_edit_area.php
bug fixed in class.database.php methode field_add in call field_existsupdate search, pls test, (Tks to Thorn)
little fixes for xhtml-validity module 'form'
update Argostheme to version 1.5 (Tks to Argos)validation fixescall edit_full_area on the fly
validation fixes
redefined wrong admin backlinks
YGN Ethical Hacker Group (2.8.2 / 2.9.0)
update rel handling FCKeditor for urls
remove new function see http://www.websitebaker2.org/forum/index.php/topic,20268.msg139557.html#msg139557
+ Ticket 1058 added warn_page_leave (currently only in wysiwyg)
small changes in handling of SM2_NO_TITLE ans SM2_XHTML_STRICT
(test connection only)
update headerinfos
Security fix in admin/pages
fix known error in drag and drop
output fixings, known error in jsadmin will be fix later
fixed headerinfos
added some functions set status to 2.8.2 RC3
show_menu2 display Title-attribute fixedtooltip added, change modul version to 4.9.5
upgrade FCKeditor to Version 2.6.6