From 2013-12-27 to 2014-02-24
- 16:13 Revision 2100 (wb-archiv283): # fixes from rev.2098/99
- 12:46 Revision 2099 (wb-archiv283): # first fixes from rev.2098
- 02:37 Revision 2098 (wb-archiv283): ! activate class Translate for all addons in admin/ (except pages/)
- ! class.admin >> add translation of the current theme to Translate
- 02:25 Revision 2097 (wb-archiv283): # droplet >> [[SiteModified]] typo corrected
- ! upgrade-script.php >> new classes activated and little corrections
! WbAdaptor::getWbConstants() >> PageIconDir added
- 13:08 Revision 2096 (wb-archiv283): + Translate::enablePrivateTable() allows to add more private language definitions
- + Translate::disablePrivateTable()
! TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle move hardcoded foldername into a variable - 12:56 Revision 2095 (wb-archiv283): ! /functions::make_thumb() set JPG-compression to 100%
- ! /database::showError() output text corrected
! ../captcha.php::call_captcha() imagesize corected
! droplet >> [[Sit...
- 13:45 Revision 2094 (wb-archiv283): # TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle::_getAddonPath now ignores a missing language file
- ! admin::print_header() now provides all translations in theme::header.htt and accepts language files in theme
! admi...
- 16:48 Revision 2092 (wb-archiv283): ! several files: remove multiple ;;
- ! uninstall language deactivated
- droplet: iSectionPicker
+ droplet: SectionPicker - 15:16 Revision 2091 (wb-archiv283): ! several Files: corrected case sensitivity of ::getInstance()
- 23:08 Revision 2090 (wb-archiv283): ! UpgradeHelper: added method delTree()
- - templates/argos_theme
- templates/allcss
- templates/wb_theme
+ templates/WbTheme
! all upgrade/install and all oth... - 23:05 Revision 2089 (wb-archiv283): ! UpgradeHelper: added method delTree()
- - templates/argos_theme
- templates/allcss
- templates/wb_theme
+ templates/WbTheme
! all upgrade/install and all oth... - 22:18 Revision 2088 (wb-archiv283): # news/delete_post invalid arguments for AccessFile corrected
- ! search/search.php read settings optimized
! WbDatabase visibility of constructor corrected
- 04:41 Revision 2086 (wb-archiv283): # A remaining semicolon removed from AccessFileHelper
- 04:31 Revision 2085 (wb-archiv283): ! build DSN extended for PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND = 'SET NAMES xx'
- 04:10 Revision 2084 (wb-archiv283): # modules/wysiwyg/upgrade copy-past mistake corrected
- 18:58 Revision 2083 (wb-archiv283): # modules/news/upgrade manipulation of {SYSVAR:}-Tags fixed
- # modules/wysiwyg/upgrade manipulation of {SYSVAR:}-Tags fixed
# modules/news/add default template fixed
- 19:38 Revision 2082 (wb-archiv283): ! added missing translation in admin/users
- ! DOC-files updated.
- 18:12 Revision 2081 (wb-archiv283): # admin/pages/settings_save Typofix Line 39
- 17:32 Revision 2080 (wb-archiv283): ! admin/pages/settings_save class AccessFile implemented
- 14:58 Revision 2079 (wb-archiv283): ! modules/output_filter added new field `opf` in mod_output_filter.sql
- 02:48 Revision 2078 (wb-archiv283): ! admin/users/languages update
- 00:33 Revision 2077 (wb-archiv283): # little fixes in modules/news
- # little fixes in some other files
- 00:30 Revision 2076 (wb-archiv283): # some fixes in admin/users
- # some fixes in admin/pages
- 23:55 Revision 2075 (wb-archiv283): ! Installer and upgradescript will never start with php below 5.3.2
- # little correction for autoloading PHPMailer in install/save
- 23:46 Revision 2074 (wb-archiv283): + added new outputfilter to use OutputFilterDashboard
- 22:12 Revision 2073 (wb-archiv283): recall tagging of WebsiteBaker 2.8.4 release
- 03:11 Revision 2072 (wb-archiv283): Tagging WebsiteBaker 2.8.4 release
- 02:55 Revision 2071 (wb-archiv283): - include/Sensio/Twig added Version 1.15.0
- 02:21 Revision 2070 (wb-archiv283): ! update revision properties for all files
- - include/Sensio/Twig remove Version 1.13.2
- 01:54 Revision 2069 (wb-archiv283): ! module News: some little fixes, implementation of AccessFile completed.
- 01:04 Revision 2068 (wb-archiv283): # admin/users/user_list corrected multibyte handling
- # Droplet - iEditThisPage: copy/past error fixed (object reference)
- 20:15 Revision 2067 (wb-archiv283): + /admin/users/languages/ 20 Language Files added (Tks To jacobi22)
- 14:32 Revision 2066 (wb-archiv283): ! /modules/output_filter/OutputFilterApi.php:: Typofix
- 14:28 Revision 2065 (wb-archiv283): # /admin/users bugfixes user deactivating and deleting
- 16:09 Revision 2064 (wb-archiv283): ! register PHPMailerAutoload now in initialize instead of class.WbMailer.php
- # a unsecure require() fixed in class PHPMailer::__construct() (notice to Syncro given)
- 03:56 Revision 2063 (wb-archiv283): # problems with confirmation mail solved
- 03:39 Revision 2062 (wb-archiv283): ! wb::mail added message on error if DEBUG is set
- 03:34 Revision 2061 (wb-archiv283): # wbLinkAbstract::_makeLinkFromTag fix error in built filepath
- 03:27 Revision 2060 (wb-archiv283): # initialize.php a little fix in handling of languages
- ! modified translation for german language
- 03:25 Revision 2059 (wb-archiv283): ! update class Wbmailer for use of PHPMailerAutoload
- 03:21 Revision 2058 (wb-archiv283): ! change wysiwyg module from filterMediaRel to filterReplaceSysvar
- ! change wb::ReplaceAbsoluteMediaUrl from filterMediaRel to filterReplaceSysvar
- 03:15 Revision 2057 (wb-archiv283): ! replace filterMediaRel by filterReplaceSysvar in module/output_filter
- + add OutputFilterApi in module/outputfilter
! update index.php in module/output_filter - 03:07 Revision 2056 (wb-archiv283): + add missing EN translation for PHPMailer
- 02:40 Revision 2055 (wb-archiv283): ! update language files from PHPMailer
- 02:09 Revision 2054 (wb-archiv283): - remove old language files from PHPMailer
- 02:03 Revision 2053 (wb-archiv283): ! update PHPMailer to version Version 5.2.7
- 15:14 Revision 2052 (wb-archiv283): # account/forgot_form : fixed fix...
- 01:44 Revision 2051 (wb-archiv283): # account/preferences_form : language selection fixed
- # account/forgot_form : password generation fixed
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