From 2013-09-18 to 2013-11-16
- 22:50 Revision 2005 (wb-archiv283): 14 Nov-2013 Build 2005 Dietmar Woellbrink (Luisehahne)
- /admin/addons/reload.php::ReloadAddonLoop delete all cachefiles of class Translate
- 06:19 Revision 2004 (wb-archiv283): ! /modules/MultiLingual/tpl/lang.html.twig updating template with changed data
- 04:47 Revision 2003 (wb-archiv283): ! /modules/news/upgrade.php optimize add and modify field tables, rebuild message
- ! /modules/news/modify_post.php and modify_post.php check posts folder if not exists then create
! / - 04:30 Revision 2002 (wb-archiv283): # include/editarea/edit_area_full.js fixed browser useragent query (Tks to Marmot)
- include/editarea/SOURCE add editarea sourcecode
- 04:21 Revision 2001 (wb-archiv283): 14 Nov-2013 Build 2001 Dietmar Woellbrink (Luisehahne)
- ! /framework/class.wb.php::ShowMaintainScreen add locked maintenance message
# /framework/initialize.php::readConfigu... - 02:57 Revision 2000 (wb-archiv283): ! WbAdaptor::getWbConstants() now on import skip constants holding database settings
- 02:27 Revision 1999 (wb-archiv283): ! admin/pages/PageTree added list of sections to the tooltip of 'manage_sections'
- 03:02 Revision 1998 (wb-archiv283): + WbDatabase added new methods fetchObject(), rewind(), seekRow(), freeResult()
- ! renamed some methods and add aliases for the old names
- 19:31 Revision 1997 (wb-archiv283): # /modules/droplets/droplets.functions.php::prepareDropletToFile added missing forward droplet flag into description text
- 18:14 Revision 1996 (wb-archiv283): # /framework/initialize.php::readConfiguration missing constants setting solved
- 20:26 Revision 1994 (wb-archiv283): + /module/news/WbLink.php added Interface class to module news
- ! ../fck_wbmodules.php & ../wbmodules.htt modified link generation for news module
- 18:24 Revision 1993 (wb-archiv283): ! /module/output_filter/filters/filterWbLink added extended format to [wblinkXX] - tag
- + /framework/WbLinkAbstract.php added abstract class/interface for filterWbLink
- 05:23 Revision 1991 (wb-archiv283): fixed /news/Reorg::deleteAll() typofix
- update ModuleReorgAbstract::__construct() set to final
- 20:21 Revision 1990 (wb-archiv283): added /framework/ModuleReorgAbstract provides the basics for modul depending reorganisation classes
- update /modules/news/Reorg now extends ModuleReorgAbstract
fixed problem with empty directories ... - 02:57 Revision 1989 (wb-archiv283): # bugfix /admin/start/index.php::undefined function replace_vars()
- 02:51 Revision 1988 (wb-archiv283): ! /upgrade-script.php, implement class AccessFile()
- add messages for better overview
- 02:49 Revision 1987 (wb-archiv283): ! see Build 1986
- also implemented in frontend account
- 02:48 Revision 1986 (wb-archiv283): ! If the advanced option languages Page was disabled or pages exist with one language only,
- then all available languages are shown to be selected in the User-Settings implemented in backend
- 02:46 Revision 1985 (wb-archiv283): ! /modules/news/Reorg.php completely recoded using class AccessFile()
- ! /modules/news/upgrade.php add accessfile report to output details in upgrade-script.php
! /modules/news/save_post.... - 02:44 Revision 1984 (wb-archiv283): ! /languages/ all language files, add new translation $MESSAGE['START_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_EXISTS']
- ! /admin/start/index.php for system administrator only: add start link to 'MESSAGE_START_UPGRADE_SCRIPT_EXISTS'
- 02:42 Revision 1983 (wb-archiv283): ! /framework/class.wb.php::getLanguagesDetailsInUsed() optimized
- + /framework/class.wb.php::getAvailableLanguagesObjectInstance()
! /framework/class.wb.php::getLanguagesInUsed() meth...
- 03:07 Revision 1982 (wb-archiv283): /framework/AccessFile little Typofixes
- /framework/AccessFileHelper added new method getDelTreeLog() and add const LOG_PRESERVE and LOG_CLEAR
set WbAdaptor::...
- 16:55 Revision 1981 (wb-archiv283): # Argument that is passed to the constructor of the Access File Class has been corrected
- 00:42 Revision 1980 (wb-archiv283): ! /framework/initialize.php::SetInstallPathConstants() setting of DOCUMENT_ROOT now compatible for windows installation
- ! /framework/functions.php::rebuild_all_accessfiles() Optimize rebuild access file coding
- 00:28 Revision 1979 (wb-archiv283): Packet AccessFile fixed indifferent handling of './..' directory entries
- 00:19 Revision 1977 (wb-archiv283): ! /framework/functions.php: started implementation of packet AccessFile in function rebuild_all_accessfiles()
- + /framework/functions.php::rm_full_dir() added additional argument to set list of protected files
! integrate the ne...
- 05:30 Revision 1975 (wb-archiv283): ! /install/sql/wb_search_data.sql recoding initial data for table `search` without primary index value
- 01:35 Revision 1974 (wb-archiv283): /framework/WbDatabase fixed little problem with multiple database connections
- 23:58 Revision 1973 (wb-archiv283): /update-script.php last correction for loading PasswordHash packet and Typo fix line 87
- /admin/pages/PageTree // SmallRawPageTree : adaption of Translate and WbAdapter
- 13:59 Revision 1972 (wb-archiv283): # bugfix pages/settings_save.php sql strict
- ! update fix pages/settings.php page code list
deactivate hidden and none visibility for first default_language sub
- 14:29 Revision 1970 (wb-archiv283): ! MultiLingual set svn properties to all files
- # MultiLingual typofix in methode updateDefaultPagesCode
! Pages settings fix output page_code treelist (not ready yet)
- 00:30 Revision 1968 (wb-archiv283): /news/add.php insert missing [SHORT] tag
- /news/view.php new placeholder [POST_ID] for use in post-loop added
- 16:56 Revision 1965 (wb-archiv283): added framework/UpgradeHelper::getMissingTables()
- added alias framework/UpgradeHelper::getMissingTables() with existsAllTables()
added upgrade-script.php add loading c...
- 16:07 Revision 1964 (wb-archiv283): modified loading sequence of Password classes
- 15:58 Revision 1963 (wb-archiv283): adding SERVER_TIMEZONE to table settings
- insert date_default_timezone_set( SERVER_TIMEZONE ) into /framework/initialize.php
some little optimations in update-... - 15:26 Revision 1962 (wb-archiv283): package Translate: creating language path in TranslateAdaptorWbOldStyle with modified admin-path fixed
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