From 2012-08-25 to 2012-10-23
- 20:24 Revision 1790 (wb-archiv283): ! update group permission,
- 12:17 Revision 1789 (wb-archiv283): ! update Group Permission, add module_advanced
- ! upgrade-script will be updating Adminitrator Group
- 18:55 Revision 1788 (wb-archiv283): # fixed page settings for php Version less 5.2.9
- 01:26 Revision 1787 (wb-archiv283): # fixed parsing error in signup
- 17:39 Revision 1786 (wb-archiv283): # fixed double content
- 16:08 Revision 1785 (wb-archiv283): # fixed language uninstall, change mysql to strict
- ! secure fix for search update in settings, search_footer now can be empty
! change ->fetchRow() to ->fetchRow(MYSQL_...
- 23:59 Revision 1784 (wb-archiv283): # fixed security warning if a group will be deleted
- 20:12 Revision 1783 (wb-archiv283): # fixed maintenance frontend
- 14:29 Revision 1782 (wb-archiv283): + add maintance modus in backend
- 19:49 Revision 1781 (wb-archiv283): ! fixed form modul (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
- ! Send forgotten Theme CSS in Revision 1780
- 17:09 Revision 1780 (wb-archiv283): ! change help mouseover to onclick in page settings only on help icon
- + add help to input filename
! /framework/initialize.php now accept _GET and _POST to set user language
- 14:44 Revision 1779 (wb-archiv283): # fixed wrong variable in admin/settings/index.php line 409
- ! coreecting url to WB help in readme files module showmenu2
- 18:16 Revision 1777 (wb-archiv283): + add methode StripCodeFromText in class.wb to clean injection
- ! rebranding the admin/settings and security fixes
! a few new styling in backend wb_theme
! beginning aa lot of acco...
- 11:29 Revision 1776 (wb-archiv283): wb theme styling
- 05:55 Revision 1775 (wb-archiv283): ! update loginBox.htt and loginForgot.htt
- 05:22 Revision 1774 (wb-archiv283): ! update argos theme css
- 01:42 Revision 1773 (wb-archiv283): ! account split html and code
- + add signup activation registering
+ add missing icons in themes - 01:31 Revision 1772 (wb-archiv283): # fixed show e-mail in submission overview
- ! set title to tooltip if you add a pageX
! optimize upgrade-script, add new fields to user table
- 18:49 Revision 1771 (wb-archiv283): # typofix in upgrade-scripts
- # fixed form form284db.sql, change hardcoded engine to "{TABLE_ENGINE};"
- 17:40 Revision 1770 (wb-archiv283): # fixed issues with database names
- WbDatabase::getTableEngine() changed SQL statement to strikt.
! remove empty warning box if you aren't sysadmin
! cha...
- 11:22 Revision 1769 (wb-archiv283): # typofix in upgrade-script, fixed wrong count for language and modules folder
- 2
- 00:55 Revision 1768 (wb-archiv283): + add 2 fields custom01, custom02 with VARCHAR( 255 ) to table pages
- ! update upgrade-script with this 2 fields
- 22:30 Revision 1767 (wb-archiv283): ! change page_extended to extended settings under page language
- 22:25 Revision 1766 (wb-archiv283): ! typofix in EN language,
- ! empty seo_title will set to menu_title
! continue rebranding wb_theme - 22:06 Revision 1765 (wb-archiv283): ! recoded module news,form,wysiwyg upgrade to work with upgrade-script
- 22:00 Revision 1764 (wb-archiv283): # remove jquery core backups
- 21:58 Revision 1763 (wb-archiv283): # fixed methode index_add in WbDatabase, always faild
- 18:11 Revision 1762 (wb-archiv283): # fixed upgrade-script wrong Adding/updating page_icon_dir to settings table
- 13:40 Revision 1761 (wb-archiv283): # fixed wrong MODULE_URL in form modul
- # fixed loginForgot.htt missing vars in <title></title>
- 06:49 Revision 1760 (wb-archiv283): ! fallback changes in wysiwyg Revision 1754
- because it's required that section_id is the PRIMARY KEY
Fallback will be done in upgrade-script until the final ve...
- 01:47 Revision 1759 (wb-archiv283): ! during Reformat/rebuild all existing access files in upgrade-script
- root_parent will be set to page_id
! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays in framework/funct...
- 10:46 Revision 1758 (wb-archiv283): ! forgot to upload the install.php from wysiwyg modul in Revision 1756
- ! correcting some more SEC_ANCHOR
- 05:45 Revision 1757 (wb-archiv283): # fixed mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given
- by adding a new form on page,
! refactroring form/install.php to SqlImport, add a form sql dump
! correcting some SE...
- 22:25 Revision 1756 (wb-archiv283): ! update wysiwyg install.php, now using methode SqlImport from WBDatabase
- 19:06 Revision 1755 (wb-archiv283): ! update upgrade-script, see Revsion 1735
- 18:00 Revision 1754 (wb-archiv283): # fixed Duplicate entry for key 'PRIMARY' if adding a new pageX
- search for ->page['root_parent'] == 0 in module and shoe_menu2 calls
page['root_parent'] has always the page_id fro... - 04:01 Revision 1753 (wb-archiv283): ! remove summary="" in captcha tables frontend
- ! fixed calendar time, now all Calendar in WB shows right user TIMEZONE
please check module for saving timestamp mi...
- 15:54 Revision 1752 (wb-archiv283): ! forgot to upload CHANGELOG and version.php
- 15:37 Revision 1751 (wb-archiv283): - remove Template Engine Quickskin, but don't delete by upgrade-script on your webspace
- ! see Revsion 1749 set pages field menu to default 1 by new install
+ add folder DOCS to Twig with changelog, authour... - 15:02 Revision 1750 (wb-archiv283): # fixed missing ({missing: TEXT_TEMPLATE}) in template details
- 14:38 Revision 1749 (wb-archiv283): # fixed save pagesettings, if multiple menus is disabled, set page['menu'] to default = 1
- 19:01 Revision 1747 (wb-archiv283): # fixed issues with older table strucure for earlier WB installations
- 18:21 Revision 1746 (wb-archiv283): # add prefix wb_ to class name for content container
- if module has the same name as a html markup e.g code
- 15:06 Revision 1745 (wb-archiv283): ! add div container in page_content for each sections,
- ! update droplets SectionPicker, ShowWysiwyg and ShowRandomWysiwyg
! put sec_anchor in this div, sec_anchor fixed in ... - 10:15 Revision 1744 (wb-archiv283): # typofix upgrade-script Adding redirect timer to settings table
- 03:31 Revision 1743 (wb-archiv283): ! styling permissions blocks in page settings by backend theme css
- 02:50 Revision 1742 (wb-archiv283): ! Now you can style account login with your frontend Template CSS
- this change is in work for the whole account
- 02:42 Revision 1741 (wb-archiv283): ! Preparing Separation of code and HTML in Droplets
- 06:31 Revision 1740 (wb-archiv283): ! frontend.functions.php remove return $content in page_content(),
- incompatible with search logic
! /include/jquery forgot jquery version.txt
# /form/view.php fixed wrong compare syntax - 05:53 Revision 1739 (wb-archiv283): ! update jquery ui to version 1.8.23
- 05:50 Revision 1738 (wb-archiv283): ! remove folder structure in zip file for backup droplets
- 05:42 Revision 1737 (wb-archiv283): # fixed sql statement groups_added in settings
- ! set stored passwords in $session to empty string
! installer now detect browser language and operating_system
- 19:52 Revision 1736 (wb-archiv283): ! replace more invalid char in secureform.mtab to work with settings_page
- 17:24 Revision 1735 (wb-archiv283): # fixed missing $admin-print_header() by security warning
- # fixed secureform.mtab because settings_page failed
- 16:16 Revision 1734 (wb-archiv283): # typofix in /install/save.php and /admin/settings_page.php
- 12:03 Revision 1733 (wb-archiv283): + forgot the jquery version.txt
- 11:48 Revision 1732 (wb-archiv283): ! update jquery to version 1.8.1
- 11:46 Revision 1731 (wb-archiv283): + add Page extended to settings,
- ! to show experten mode in page settings
! shows some more settings like icon dir - 03:41 Revision 1730 (wb-archiv283)
- 17:10 Revision 1729 (wb-archiv283): # Fixed missin WB_URL in media_browse
- 16:21 Revision 1728 (wb-archiv283): ! change redirect logic for registered pages
- 11:20 Revision 1727 (wb-archiv283): # fixed upgrading group systempermission by upgrading WebsiteBaker
- ! set svn properties /media/upload.php
- 06:38 Revision 1726 (wb-archiv283): ! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
- ! change message if uploaded file exists
- 06:15 Revision 1725 (wb-archiv283): + add missing preferences rights for sysadmin in install
- 04:40 Revision 1724 (wb-archiv283): # fixed form submission output if no entry exist
- 04:19 Revision 1723 (wb-archiv283): # fixed missing class.admin
- # check droplet skype if no existing user
- 03:49 Revision 1722 (wb-archiv283): # fixed missing login template after install
- 19:00 Revision 1721 (wb-archiv283): # fixed admin/settings, remove unknown variables
- 17:08 Revision 1720 (wb-archiv283): ! FCKEditor remove som php endtags in connector
- 16:59 Revision 1719 (wb-archiv283): ! beginning update frontend account
- ! remove html markup from code
- 16:25 Revision 1718 (wb-archiv283): ! update headerinfo
- ! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
- 16:09 Revision 1717 (wb-archiv283): ! update droplets uninstall, upgrade
- ! add $database=WbDatabase::getInstance();
! update /examples/ - 15:08 Revision 1716 (wb-archiv283): ! update folder admin/settings admin/skel/htt
- ! change Template to div container
- 15:06 Revision 1715 (wb-archiv283): ! forgot some files in folder admin
- 14:23 Revision 1714 (wb-archiv283): ! update module form
- ! not auth users get no confirmation mail, but can print message
! add replyto to received messages, so answer is pos... - 14:12 Revision 1713 (wb-archiv283): ! remove html markup from code to a template
- 13:59 Revision 1712 (wb-archiv283): ! update folder admin/addons admin/skel/htt
- 13:56 Revision 1711 (wb-archiv283): ! update folder admin/start, admin/admintools, admin/skel/htt
- 13:50 Revision 1710 (wb-archiv283): ! update folder admin/groups, admin/users, admin/skel/htt
- 13:37 Revision 1709 (wb-archiv283): ! update folder framework class.login, admin/login, admin/skel/htt
- 13:25 Revision 1708 (wb-archiv283)
- 13:12 Revision 1707 (wb-archiv283): ! update folder admin/pages, admin/skel/htt
- ! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
! change default templates, change code to new templates - 12:40 Revision 1706 (wb-archiv283): # fixed save page option
- 18:52 Revision 1705 (wb-archiv283): ! update headerinfo
- ! change os_version request if os is not windows
- 18:37 Revision 1704 (wb-archiv283): + add overlib_mini.js to include/jquery/ will be needed for help
- 18:33 Revision 1703 (wb-archiv283): ! update headerinfo
- ! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
- 17:16 Revision 1702 (wb-archiv283): ! /framework/class.frontend.php
- ! set $_SESSION['HTTP_REFERER'] to WB_URL if menu url is a registered page
! set some header("Location:.. to new meth... - 16:58 Revision 1701 (wb-archiv283): ! /framework/frontend.functions
- ! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
! method page_content, add parameter $echo true to pr... - 16:40 Revision 1700 (wb-archiv283): ! change multi-dimensional arrays (variables) to similar arrays
- + add variables for backend-menu, header.htt and footer.htt
- 16:02 Revision 1699 (wb-archiv283): ! Fixed IDKEY in Secureform.mtab to solve issues whith Security warnings
- ! on pages that used a lot of IDKEYS. (fixed by NorHei)
- 15:52 Revision 1698 (wb-archiv283): ! optimize some methods
- + add method send_header, replace header('Location:... with new method
+ if header send failed you get a manuell red... - 13:30 Revision 1697 (wb-archiv283): # Bugfixed issues whith storing text for Search function on WYSIWYG module.
- # Html tags where not filtered out.
- 13:24 Revision 1696 (wb-archiv283): move extra handling of menu links in index.php to the view.php of module menu links {Tks to NorHei)
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