From 2010-04-09 to 2010-06-07
- 17:14 Revision 1346 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #999 wrong sql statement in admin/pages/index.php (Tks to Lucutus)
- 09:53 Revision 1345 (wb-archiv283): remove unneeded flags in backend themes
- remove admin/images
- 18:53 Revision 1344 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #1004 Small typofixes needed in FR lang file (Tks to quinto)
- Ticket #1005 add FR Language for the admin templates (Tks to quinto)
- 10:05 Revision 1342 (wb-archiv283): remove some unneeded code in backend themes templates
- see forum: JQuery und Backend-Theme
- 22:37 Revision 1341 (wb-archiv283): add lang variable for new userform
- 13:17 Revision 1340 (wb-archiv283): added IdKey to class secureForm
- 20:09 Revision 1337 (wb-archiv283): add an extra class class.secureform.php and extends it to class.wb.php
- check for installed modules before loading in content
- 16:29 Revision 1336 (wb-archiv283): remove forgotten debug line
- 15:11 Revision 1335 (wb-archiv283): Fixed update search settings
- Fixed bug in /modules/admin.php
- 13:52 Revision 1334 (wb-archiv283): Fixed bug in /modules/admin.php
- 05:13 Revision 1333 (wb-archiv283): start recoding without style display:none
- 11:50 Revision 1332 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #995 update jquery-ui.css and images (Tks to Ruebenwurzel)
- add languages files for jquery datepicker (tks to Ralf)
Ticket #994 WYSIWYG editors sorted by name (tks to Aldus)
- 20:23 Revision 1329 (wb-archiv283): Validation fix in preference
- 18:16 Revision 1328 (wb-archiv283): fixed directory_list
- 11:36 Revision 1327 (wb-archiv283): litte fix to show GMT value in default view
- fixed file_list
- 16:07 Revision 1326 (wb-archiv283): Update headerinfos admin/interface
- 00:21 Revision 1325 (wb-archiv283): changed e-mail notification for backend login
- styling in preference.htt in themes
- 21:03 Revision 1324 (wb-archiv283): Typo fixes with german umlaute
- 17:10 Revision 1323 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #985 With #1318 no login in backend possible
- Ticket #986 Typo inside the german language file
Ticket #982 Unnessesary heredoc causes on errors while installation... - 10:03 Revision 1322 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #984 Removing outdated comment-block in class.login.php
- Ticket #983 Sorting order of modules and templates inside groups.php
- 08:39 Revision 1321 (wb-archiv283): Udate the revision-constant - forgotten by mistake in 1320 - set to 1321
- 08:23 Revision 1320 (wb-archiv283): Bugfix inside languagefiles (BG.php, CS.php and HR.php). Replace wrong use of heredoc, that causes in errors during the installation) to simple string(-s).
- 02:45 Revision 1319 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #974 Usability bug in /preferences
- 01:41 Revision 1318 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #976 Using md5 also for the username inside class.login.php
- 01:20 Revision 1317 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #977 Templates sorted in alphabetical order
- 00:50 Revision 1316 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #978 Add additional PHP 5.2 check to installation
- Ticket #979 False PHP 4 requirements in install
Ticket #980 Usebility - Bug in the settings-interface
Ticket #981 typ...
- 21:13 Revision 1315 (wb-archiv283): fix ticket #975 some weird /pages/ header infos
- 12:38 Revision 1314 (wb-archiv283): little fixes for backwards compatible PHP4, pls test
- 05:55 Revision 1313 (wb-archiv283): show_menu2 remove unneeded code for WB < 2.7
- class.wb.php, recoding backend preference
add a language variable $MESSAGE['PREFERENCES']['INVALID_CHARS']
update the...
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