From 2009-10-29 to 2009-12-27
- 15:10 Revision 1220 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #896: Bugfix in framework/functions.php > added test is_dir to function rm_full_dir
- 15:07 Revision 1219 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #896: Bugfix in framework/functions.php > added test is_dir to function rm_full_dir
- 23:22 Revision 1218 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #894: Bugfixes in newsmodule > rss.php
- 22:05 Revision 1217 (wb-archiv283): Clean check in of minor bugfixes: Add some localizations, correct html/php syntax
- 17:43 Revision 1216 (wb-archiv283)
- 15:54 Revision 1215 (wb-archiv283): Rollback of accidentally checked in files
- 15:49 Revision 1214 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #832: Fix wrong configuration of timezone-handling when saving preferences-form on backend and frontend
- 16:23 Revision 1213 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #827: Fix false form-parameter when javascript is deactivated on users and groups temps (admintool).
- 15:02 Revision 1212 (wb-archiv283): Bugfix of rev. 1211 search_modext.php (ticket #863): Use isset and given unknown-user instead of counting all users.
- 11:35 Revision 1211 (wb-archiv283): Bugfix inside "search_modext.php" to avoid warings if the search found a page last modified by a user witch has been deleted. (ticket #863)
- 07:18 Revision 1209 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #890 fixed visability proprty uses non valid value 'none'
- 19:06 Revision 1208 (wb-archiv283): change searchstring mdcr.js, workout crypt emails in output_filter/filter-routines.php
- comment out ob_end_flush line 259 in form/view.php
- 07:05 Revision 1207 (wb-archiv283)
- 07:01 Revision 1206 (wb-archiv283): next step to validate backend themes
- 23:46 Revision 1205 (wb-archiv283): add Revision IDs to added files - Thanks to Ruebenwurzel
- 20:55 Revision 1204 (wb-archiv283): updated pclzip class
- 23:05 Revision 1202 (wb-archiv283): added missing swobject plugin in FCKeditor
- bug fixed in flvplayer
- 13:05 Revision 1201 (wb-archiv283): stop working plugin flvplayer in FCKeditor until fixed
- 03:20 Revision 1200 (wb-archiv283): fixed an undefined index
- 03:02 Revision 1199 (wb-archiv283): Update FCKeditor Version 2.6.5 to Modulversion 2.9.3
- 23:33 Revision 1198 (wb-archiv283): updated theme.css in wb_theme
- 15:42 Revision 1197 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #886 fix validation email, check tld between 2-4 letters
- 01:55 Revision 1196 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #874 add slovak lang in install
- and validate output
- 01:22 Revision 1195 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #880 fixes language file SK.php
- 00:51 Revision 1194 (wb-archiv283): Ticket #828 fix deprecated eregi
- 22:20 Revision 1193 (wb-archiv283): fixes language file SK.php
- 20:37 Revision 1192 (wb-archiv283): fixed parse error ticket #878
- 18:20 Revision 1191 (wb-archiv283): found and fix some deprecated functions
- 18:17 Revision 1190 (wb-archiv283): validate some output files
- 17:47 Revision 1189 (wb-archiv283): fix some PHP 5.3 deprecated functions
- 19:29 Revision 1188 (wb-archiv283): Fix to load edit_full_area only if needed
- 07:01 Revision 1187 (wb-archiv283): change page_title to menu_title for parent dropdown list in index.php and sections.php
- 06:54 Revision 1186 (wb-archiv283): more bug fixes language file SK.php
- Many hosts disable error_log() in various and sundry ways.
In WB we do something like this to avoid triggering warni... - 00:10 Revision 1185 (wb-archiv283): fix show_menu2 include.php, page crashes, if php error_log is disabled
- 00:06 Revision 1184 (wb-archiv283): fixes language files HU.php and SK.php
- 20:38 Revision 1183 (wb-archiv283): fixed php 5.3 depricated function in show_menu2
- 20:36 Revision 1182 (wb-archiv283): add two constants in /framework/initialize.php for later feature in database settings
- define('EDIT_ONE_SECTION', true) to edit only one section with editor in manage sections
modify page will be loading ... - 19:42 Revision 1181 (wb-archiv283)
- 19:27 Revision 1180 (wb-archiv283): add a child page is cumbersome when the parent dropdown list gets to be too large. (Ticket #821)
- 19:15 Revision 1179 (wb-archiv283): validate captcha control
- 11:26 Revision 1178 (wb-archiv283): Fixed typos - Ticket #872
- 11:25 Revision 1177 (wb-archiv283): Fixed typos - Ticket #872
- 14:56 Revision 1175 (wb-archiv283): deletion of SVN Sandbox Branch wb_devel
- 12:42 Revision 1174 (wb-archiv283): Updated File according to Ticket #868
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