wb-2_10_x/trunk/admin/pages/eggsurplus.js @ 31
1 | 2 | Manuela | function add_child_page(page_id) |
2 | {
3 | //find and select the page in the parent dropdown
4 | var selectBox = document.add.parent; |
5 | console.info(selectBox); |
6 | for (var i = 0; i < selectBox.options.length; i++) |
7 | {
8 | if (selectBox.options[i].value == page_id) |
9 | {
10 | selectBox.selectedIndex = i; |
11 | break; |
12 | }
13 | }
14 | //set focus to add form
15 | document.add.title.focus(); |
16 | }