show_menu2, version 4.6
A code snippet for the Website Baker CMS software. It provides a complete
replacement for the builtin menu functions. All menu data is retrieved using
a single database query, all types of menu styles (lists, breadcrums, sitemaps)
can be generated with extensive customisation of the resulting HTML.
1. Download the latest version from
2. Log into your WebsiteBaker installation
3. Go to Addons -> Modules
4. If a previous version of show_menu2 is already installed, select it from
the "Uninstall Module" list and choose the "Uninstall" button.
5. In the "Install Module" section, enter the path to the show_menu2 zip file
that you downloaded in step 1, and choose the "Install" button.
You need to modify the PHP files of your template to call show_menu2 where you
wish to have the menu displayed. Remember when you replace calls to the old
menu functions to use the new parameters that show_menu2 requires.
Often times the default menu generated by show_menu2 is all that you need.
This menu shows the current page and children of the current page. It is
generated by just calling show_menu2 with no parameters. For example:
Note that the call to show_menu2 is PHP, so you usually need to wrap it in the
PHP code brackets so that it will execute. Like this:
This default menu generates a complete list based menu with many classes that
allow easy CSS styling. For example, the current menu item will have the
"menu-current" class added to the
tag. Additionally, every menu item with
a sub-menu will have the "menu-expand" class added to the tag. This allows
you to create CSS rules to style those menu items differently. For example: { font-weight: bold; } { background: red; }
See the "Output" section for details of exactly what classes are added to each
element. More elaborate and different menu structures are able to be created by
supplying parameters to the show_menu2 function call. For example, to show only
menu items from the top level of the menu you use:
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_START);
Alternatively, to show up to two levels of the child menus of the current page:
show_menu2(0, SM2_CURR+1, SM2_CURR+2);
There are many more possible menus that can be generated by show_menu2. See the
demonstration website at for more examples.
The complete call signature and default parameter value for show_menu2 is:
$aMenu = 0,
$aStart = SM2_ROOT,
$aMaxLevel = SM2_CURR+1,
$aFlags = SM2_TRIM,
$aItemOpen = '[li][a][menu_title]',
$aItemClose = '',
$aMenuOpen = '[ul]',
$aMenuClose = '',
$aTopItemOpen = false,
$aTopMenuOpen = false
See the "Parameters" section for detailed descriptions of each parameter.
Note that every parameter from $aItemOpen onwards can be supplied as false
in order to get the default value, this allows (for example) a numbered list
to be used while still using the the default menu parameters for the items.
Note that all parameters up to $aFlags need to be explicitly supplied.
For example:
show_menu2(0, SM2_ROOT, SM2_ALL, SM2_ALL, false, false, '', '
The menu is output differently depending on what parameters have been
supplied to the function, however in general the following classes are used
for each menu. Note that items will have multiple classes when relevant.
------------ -------------------------------------------------------
menu-top First menu tag only
menu-parent Every parent menu item of the current page.
menu-current Only the menu item for the current page.
menu-sibling Every sibling of the current page.
menu-child Every sub-menu of the current page.
menu-expand Every menu item with children.
menu-first First item in any menu or sub-menu.
menu-last Last item in any menu or sub-menu.
The following classes are added only if SM2_NUMCLASS flag has been used.
menu-N Every menu item. The N is replaced with the ABSOLUTE
menu depth of the item starting with 0. The root level
menu is always menu-0, the next level is menu-1, etc.
menu-child-N Every sub-menu of the current page, the N is replaced
with the relative depth of the submenu starting at 0.
Menu number to use. This is useful when you are using multiple menus.
Supplying a menu number of 0 will use the default menu for the current
page. Supplying SM2_ALLMENU will return all menus in the system.
Specify where the menu generation should start from. This is most
times the parent item of the menu to display. It must be one of the
following values:
SM2_ROOT+N Start N levels down from the root. e.g.
SM2_ROOT Starting at the root menu
SM2_ROOT+1 Start 1 level below the root
SM2_ROOT+2 Start 2 levels below the root
SM2_CURR+N Start N levels down from the current page level. e.g.
SM2_CURR Starts at the current page level. All
sibling menus to the current page.
SM2_CURR+1 Starts 1 level down from the current
page with the children menus.
page_id Display using the specific page as the parent. All
child menus of that page will be displayed. The
page_id can be found by editing the page in WB admin
interface. The page_id is included in the URL like:
Maximum menu level to display. Menus are displayed from the start
level down to this level.
SM2_ALL No limit, all levels are displayed
SM2_CURR+N Always show to the current page + N levels.
SM2_CURR Current (no children)
SM2_CURR+3 All parents + current + 3 children
SM2_START+N Always show from the starting level + N levels. The
levels of menu will always be displayed regardless of
what level the current page is.
SM2_START Single level of menus from starting level
SM2_START+1 Starting level and 1 level down
SM2_MAX+N Show at most N levels from the starting level. Levels
won't be shown if they are below the current level.
SM2_MAX Starting level only (same as SM2_START)
SM2_MAX+1 Maximum of starting level and 1 level.
Specify flags for different generation options for the menu. The flags
may be combined together using bitwise OR (|). For example, to specify
both TRIM and PRETTY you should use, SM2_TRIM|SM2_PRETTY.
Exactly one flag from this group must always be supplied. These flags
affect how the siblings in the tree are removed from the output.
SM2_ALL Show all branches of the menu tree
A-1 -> B-1
-> B-2 -> C-1
-> C-2 (CURRENT)
-> D-1
-> D-2
-> C-3
A-2 -> B-3
-> B-4
SM2_TRIM Show all sibling menus of pages on the current path.
All sub-menus of elements that are not on the path
are removed.
A-1 -> B-1
-> B-2 -> C-1
-> C-2 (CURRENT)
-> D-1
-> D-2
-> C-3
SM2_CRUMB Show only the breadcrumb trail, i.e. the current
menu and all of it's ancestor menus.
A-1 -> B-2 -> C-2 (CURRENT)
SM2_SIBLING The same as SM2_TRIM however only sibling menus of
the current page are displayed. All other menus are
trimmed to show only the path.
A-1 -> B-2 -> C-1
-> C-2 (CURRENT)
-> D-1
-> D-2
-> C-3
All of these flags are optional. Any number of them may be combined.
SM2_NUMCLASS Add the numbered menu classes to the menu. If this
flag is supplied, the "menu-N" and "menu-child-N"
classes will be added.
SM2_ALLINFO Load all fields from the page table of the database.
This will result in quite a lot of memory being used
and is not recommended, however it will make keywords,
descriptions, and other fields available. This data
is not loaded by default.
NOTE: This flag must be used on the *FIRST* call to
show_menu2 *for this menu ID*, or in combination with
SM2_NOCACHE otherwise it will have no effect.
SM2_NOCACHE Do not reuse or store the data read from the database
between calls to show_menu2.
SM2_PRETTY Pretty print the menu HTML with spacing and newlines
for debugging purposes.
SM2_BUFFER Do not output the menu HTML but instead buffer it
internally and return it as a string from show_menu2.
SM2_CURRTREE Exclude all other top level menus from being considered.
Only items in the current menu tree will be output.
This can be combined with any of the Group 1 flags as
SM2_ESCAPE Call htmlspecialchars on the menu strings. This may be
required with older installations of WB. By escaping the
raw database strings, it permits menus to have HTML
formatting in them that would cause otherwise cause
pages to fail validation.
SM2_NOESCAPE Default behaviour. Exists only for backwards compatibility.
Format string to use for creating each individual menu item entry.
A different format string may be used for the very first entry by
supplying a different format string for $aTopItemOpen. When set to
false, it uses the default of '[li][a][menu_title]' to maintain
compatibility with show_menu(). Note however that CSS formatting is
often easier if the classes are added to the tag. Use the format
string of '[ac][menu_title]' for this style of tag.
This parameter may also be specified as an instance of a formatting
class for the menu. See the section "Formatter" below for details of
the API this class must expose. When a formatter is supplied, all
arguments after $aItemOpen are ignored.
String used to close each item. Note that this is not a format
string and no keywords will be replaced. When set to false, it uses
the default of ''.
Format string to use for opening a list of menu item entries. A
different format string may be used for the very first menu by
supplying a different format string for $aTopMenuOpen. When set to
false, it uses the default of '[ul]'.
String used to close each menu. Note that this is not a format
string and no keywords will be replaced. When set to false, it uses
the default of ''.
Format string for the first item. When set to false, it uses the same
format as $aItemOpen.
Format string for the first menu. When set to false, it uses the same
format as $aMenuOpen.
The following tags may be included in the format strings for $aItemOpen and
$aMenuOpen and will be replaced with the appropriate text.
[a] tag (no class): ''
[ac] tag including class: ''
[li] tag including class: ''
[ul] tag including class: ''
[class] List of classes for that page
[menu_title] Menu title text (HTML entity escaped unless SM2_NOESCAPE flag is used)
[page_title] Page title text (HTML entity escaped unless SM2_NOESCAPE flag is used)
[url] Page URL for the tag
[target] Page target for the tag
[page_id] Page ID of the current menu item
[parent] Page ID of the parent menu item
[level] Page level, the same number as is used for the "menu-N" CSS tag.
[sib] Current menu sibling number
[sibCount] Total number of siblings in this menu
[if] Conditional test (see section CONDITIONAL FORMATTING)
The following tags are only available when the SM2_ALLINFO flag is used.
[description] Page description
[keywords] Page keywords
The conditional formatting directive takes one of the following forms:
A Conditional test. See below for more details.
B Expression emitted when the if-test is true. This may be any string
that does NOT include the '}' character. It may include any of the
format strings described in the section FORMAT STRINGS with the
exception of the conditional test (because '}' is not permitted).
C Expression emitted when the if-test is false. This may be any string
that does NOT include the '}' character. It may include any of the
format strings described in the section FORMAT STRINGS with the
exception of the conditional test (because '}' is not permitted).
The conditional test is a combination of one or more boolean tests.
If more than one test is supplied, it must be combined with other tests
using either || (boolean OR) or && (boolean AND).
A single test is made up of the left operand, operator and right operand.
e.g. X == Y where X is the left operand, == is the operator and Y is the
right operand.
Left operand. It must be one of the following keywords:
class Test for existence of one of the classes. Only the
"==" and "!=" operators are permitted. In this case
these operators have the meaning of "includes"
instead of "equals".
level Test against the page level.
sib Test against the current page sibling number.
sibCount Test against the number of siblings in the menu.
id Test against the page id.
Operator. It must be one of the following:
< Less Than
<= Less Than Equals
== Equals
!= Not Equal
>= Greater Than Equals
> Greater Than
Right operand. The type of this operand depends on the keyword used
for the left operand:
class One of the "menu-*" class names as listed in the
section "OUTPUT".
level Test the page level against the following values:
absolute page level
root the root page level
granny the grand-parent page level
parent the parent page level
current the current page level
child the child page level
id Test the page id against the following values:
absolute page id
parent the parent page id
current the current page id
sib A positive integer, or "sibCount" to test against
the count of siblings in this menu.
sibCount A positive integer.
For example, valid tests are expression "exp" is emitted only when the menu item:
[if(class==menu-expand){exp}] has a sub-menu
[if(class==menu-first){exp}] is first item in a menu
[if(class!=menu-first){exp}] is NOT first item in a menu
[if(class==menu-last){exp}] is last item in a menu
[if(level==0){exp}] is at the root
[if(level>0){exp}] is not at the root
[if(sib==2){exp}] is the second item in a menu
[if(sibCount>1){exp}] is in a menu with more than 1 entry
[if(sibCount!=2){exp}] is in a menu which doesn't have exactly
[if(level>parent){exp}] is in a sibling menu or child of a sibling
[if(id==parent){exp}] is the parent of the current page
If an else-clause was added, then the expression for the else would be
emitted in all other cases. For example the expression "foo" is emitted
whenever the if-test is false, so therefore:
[if(sib==2){exp}else{foo}] is NOT the second item in a menu
[if(sibCount>2){exp}else{foo}] is NOT in a menu with more than 2 entries
For multiple tests, the expression "exp" is emitted only when the menu item:
[if(sib == 1 || sib > 3){exp}]
[is the first item] OR [is the 4th or larger item] in the menu
[if(id == current && class == menu-expand){exp}
[is the current item] AND [it has children]
Note that all tests are evaluated in the order listed because:
* there is no short-circuit evaluation (all individual tests are always evaluated)
* there is no grouping of tests (i.e. no support for parenthesis)
* both || and && are considered the same level
Note: This is an advanced and rarely needed feature!
If you are capable of extensive PHP programming, it is possible to replace the
predefined menu formatter that show_menu2 is uses with a custom module. See the
include.php file of show_menu2 for an example of how the menu formatter must be
written. The API it must use is:
class SM2_Formatter
// called once before any menu is processed to allow object initialization
function initialize() { }
// called to open the menu list
function startList($aPage, $aUrl) { }
// called to open the menu item
function startItem($aPage, $aUrl, $aCurrSib, $aSibCount) { }
// called to close the menu item
function finishItem() { }
// called to close the menu list
function finishList() { }
// called once after all menu has been processed to allow object finalization
function finalize() { }
// called once after finalize() if the SM2_NOOUTPUT flag is used
function getOutput() { }