/*~ install.txt .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Software: QuickSkin | | Version: 5.0 | | Contact: andy.prevost@worxteam.com | | Info: http://sourceforge.net/projects/quickskin | | Support: http://sourceforge.net/projects/quickskin | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Author: Andy Prevost andy.prevost@worxteam.com (admin) | | Author: Manuel 'EndelWar' Dalla Lana endelwar@aregar.it (former admin) | | Author: Philipp v. Criegern philipp@criegern.com (original founder) | | Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Andy Prevost. All Rights Reserved. | | * NOTE: QuickSkin is the SmartTemplate project renamed. SmartTemplate | | information and downloads can still be accessed at the | | smarttemplate.sourceforge.net site | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | License: Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL) | | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html | | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT | | ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or | | FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | We offer a number of paid services: | | - Web Hosting on highly optimized fast and secure servers | | - Technology Consulting | | - Oursourcing (highly qualified programmers and graphic designers) | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' Last modified: January 01 2009 ~*/ To install and use QuickSkin: 1. Uncompress the ZIP file to your local computer -- FULL INSTALLATION Copy the files to your webserver. We recommend that you put those in a directory structure that resembles: /_lib/class.quickskin.php /_lib/class.quickskindebugger.php /_lib/qx/{all files that start with qx_} -- MINIMAL INSTALLATION If you want to install the absolutely bare-bones installation, copy only the base class file to your webserver. We recommend that you put that file in the following directory structure: /_lib/class.quickskin.php 2. Create a directory for your compiled/cached files. We recommend: /_skins_tmp/ 3. If you are using QuickSkin as part of a framework or plan to reuse your code often, we recommend that you create a template structure such as: /_skins/ /_skins/default/ (to store your template HTML files) /_skins/default/tplimgs/ (to store your template images and CSS files) /_skins/default/tpljs/ (to store your template Javascript files) /_skins_tmp/ (to store all compiled and cached files) With this kind of structure, you are able to create/edit your HTML files with any HTML editor (MS FrontPage, MS Expression Web, Macromedia Dreamweaver, etc.). All of your references to locations of Javascript files, images, and CSS files will reference the directory under the HTML template file (ie. assign( 'title', 'TemplateDemo' ); $page->assign( 'welcome', 'My Welcome' ); $page->assign('welcome', 'My Welcome'); $page->set('template_dir', '_skins/'); $page->set('temp_dir', '_skins_tmp/'); $page->set('cache_dir', '_skins_tmp/'); // do substitute of template image directory $page->assign('tpl_img', 'tplimgs/'); $page->assign('url_img', 'http://www.yourdomain.com/_skins/default/tplimgs/'); // do substitute of template javascript directory $page->assign('tpl_js', 'tpljs/'); $page->assign('url_js', 'http://www.yourdomain.com/_skins/default/tpljs/'); $page->addtpl('sponsors', '_skins/default/sponsors.htm'); //$page->debug(); $page->output(); Experiment. It is pretty simple to work the system and the scripts are well documented. If you are a previous user of SmartTemplate, the new version is completely code compatible with version 1.2.1 - with ONE EXCEPTION. The default for 'reuse_code' is now FALSE. There's quite a few enhancements that you will want to explore. Andy Prevost.