QuickSkin Properties: Please note: if you do not want to modify the default, the respective property code is not required. $page->set('reuse_code', false); defines whether or not to use the compiled PHP code or not, default is false * note: if you have dynamic data (ie. from a database), set to false $page->set('template_dir', '_skins/'); defines the directory where the skins are stored, default is '_skins/' (can also be set using the $_CONFIG['template_dir'] variable) $page->set('temp_dir', '_skins_tmp/'); defines the directory where the compiled code is stored, default is '_skins_tmp/' (can also be set using the $_CONFIG['quickskin_compiled'] variable) $page->set('cache_dir', '_skins_tmp/'); defines the directory where the temporary compiled code is stored, default is '_skins_tmp/' (can also be set using the $_CONFIG['quickskin_cache'] variable) $page->set('cache_lifetime', 600); defines the Output Cache Lifetime in seconds, default is 600 seconds (10 minutes) (can also be set using the $_CONFIG['cache_lifetime'] variable) $page->set('extensions_dir', '_lib/qx'); defines the directory where the QuickSkin Extensions are stored, default is '_lib/qx' (QuickSkin Extensions are code that can be used in your templates - but not in dynamic data) $page->set('extension_prefix', 'qx_'); defines the prefix used on all QuickSkin Extensions, default is 'qx_' (not usually changed) $page->set('extensions_dir', '_skins/'); defines the directory where the skins are stored, default is '_skins/'