Version 5.0.1 - November 01 2010 - fixed last ereg-deprecatements - rename block command ( BEGIN - END into LOOP - ENDLOOP) Version 5.0 - January 01 2009 - First version designed specifically for PHP5 - Changed default for 'reuse_code' to false - Added LPGL script dp.SyntaxHighlighter - Added Extension 'codesnippetstart' - Added Extension 'codesnippetend' - changed behavior of all extensions - they no longer set the $_CONFIG array variales - added new default template - added code for Syntax Highlighter using Syntax Highlighter: In your HTML code, add: {codesnippetstart:} ... your php code {codesnippetend:} Everything else is done for you. Please note that if you want to include the PHP start tag (ie. ) in the code snippeg, you must use them like this: <?php and ?> ... the reason for this is that using the PHP start tag and end tag would process the code as a php script prior to the code snippet display and would mess up the page. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 - July 20 2008 (for PHP4) - renamed extensions directory to 'qx' - renamed all extension prefixes to 'qx_' - fixed auto-loading of extensions - added sample application - added ability to read file and strip all unnecessary header and footer HTML code - added ability to process QuickSkin Extensions in dynamic data Version 2.1.0rc1 - October 31 2007 - Fixed INCLUDE issue where template files in subdirectories were not being called properly - Tested and works with PHP4 and PHP5 (5.2.4) ... will not work with E_STRICT Version 2.0.0rc1 - October 2007 - Changed project name from SmartTemplate to QuickCache - modified all file names and function names to conform to new product name - Added class property for template directory and modified logic in code to support this new property - Added class method "set" to set class properties (can be explicitly set vs, use of assumptive $_CONFIG variable) - Added class method "addtpl" to add a supplmentary template (banner ad, etc) that loads at same time as main template - Added properties to both the parser and debugger to facilitate passing of variables between classes - Changed all " (double quotes) to ' (single quotes) where possible to enhance performance - Modified compiled and cached files names to a maximum of 35 characters, plus extension - Added support for QUERY STRING - particularly important to large scale projects where the query string is widely used - Merged class.quickskin.php and class.quickskinparser.php into one single file (both are dependent on each other) - QuickSkin now compatible with CodeIgniter with a simple file name change - change filename from class.quickskin.php to Quickskin.php and add to your /system/application/libraries directory *Note: next version will focus on compatibility with PHP4 and PHP5 Version 1.2.1 - codename Betelgeuse - A variable can be used as right part of an IF clause - Added space recognition in IF clauses Version 1.2.0 - codename Orion - added subtemplate system - better error reporting - some bugfixing Version 1.0.2 - original developed by Philipp v. Criegern