Javscript Admin Release 1.2 On Sourcecode of (C) Copyright 2006 Stepan Riha (www.nonplus.net) * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MODIFICATION HISTORY: * by Swen Uth; 01/24/2008 * + Update to 1.2 * + Update to Website Baker (include/yui)-> YUI to Version 2.4.1 * + take the YUI folder to wb/include/ * + Website Baker 2.7 Kompatible * + Multilingual * + initial release of the English language file * + initial release of the German language file * + include the Option for backend.cs * + include the option for backend.js * + renamed footer.php to jsadmin_backend_include.php for a better understanding for integration and development * + INCLUDE ERRORHANDLING for missing YUI - Files * + the Array $js_yui_scripts are defined in the jsadmin.php for better development * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ______________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION This tool module adds Javascript functionality to the Website Baker Admin to improve some of the UI interactions. Portions of this module use scripts from the Yahoo! UI Library You can find it in the WB/include folder http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/ ______________________________________________________________ REQUIREMENTS This module is supported on Website Baker 2.7 and later. ______________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION The module includes the following files: !!! footer.php is canceled -> renamed to jsadmin_backend_include.php images/busy.gif images/failure.gif images/success.gif index.php info.php js/dragdrop.js js/jsadmin.js js/restore_pages.js js/tool.js + languages/EN.php + languages/DE.php jsadmin.php move_to.php README.txt tool.php ______________________________________________________________